SvennoJ said:
Ahh, yes, a mobile PC you can connect to a TV, I forgot about that use case :)
3D headphone surround sound is no real replacement for a surround sound setup, but it's got to the point it doesn't (always) sound like the sound is all in your head. Which is what I always used to get with headphones. There's still plenty where it seems the dialog voices comes from my head but the environmental sounds are finally environmental and I can actually tell when an enemy is behind me or rather turn to face the direction the sound is coming from.
HDR the same, not revolutionary but a very nice enhancement to color and contrast. Downside, playing during the day I have to turn the brightness up to be able to see when it's night time in game. And sometimes the contrast can be a bit tiring. 4K is still pointless, assets aren't there yet. It's just a better form of AA for now. Clean visuals, lacking detail. (Oceans documentary on 4K HDR blu-ray does look amazing and does feel revolutionary, so much detail) For now 1440p is more than enough for games.
Anyway, getting (still pretty new) Sony first party exclusives on a Steam handheld / portable pocket PC, that is kinda revolutionary :) I wonder if Nintendo will smarten up and start porting to PC as well, or go in full attack mode to try to stop Switch emulation on Steam Deck :/ Plus I'm curious whether we'll get better DS4 (and Dualsense) support on PC now Sony is getting on board. |
I think Nintendo will eventually follow suit, since Sony and MS are doing this now, and Sony followed MS in charging for online, then Nintendo followed some years after. Once they see the free money on the table, they'll eventually see some reason to go for it.
Nintendo might try to stop emulation, but they've already gone for select sites that are very loud and obvious (Also doesn't help that twitter aids the blowing up of these sites and rising popularity, making them easier targets for Nintendo to take down). I doubt they'll meddle with Valve & the deck directly, because we know the device is using a distro of Linux, and that is a realm Nintendo can never touch/tamper with (due to it's open nature).
I have noticed that Sony is going back to back with Dualsense support for some of the games they've ported over so far, as well as Valve allowing updates for devs that want to support it via supported updates. I think it's safe to say that at this point, Dualsense support is going to become as commonplace as the Xbox gamepad has been on PC for years, because we haven't seen this level of support with the DS2/DS3 that we are for the DS4 (users had to manually track down the files for years for the previous versions, and Steam didn't natively support them afaik).
What I'd like to see, is if DS4 support is going to allow for user made button configs, much in the same way users were allowed to for Steam gamepad, because when I was testing out my Steam pad, some user defined configs were better for me to test the gamepad out than the standard Xbox inputs were (which was pretty much the default layout for me upon first using it).