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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Xbox will catch up to Playstation this generation


Xbox will catch up to playstation this generation

Agree 28 21.21%
Disagree 104 78.79%

You mean sales?

If so then yeah no.

You do realise that in order to catch up Xbox has to sell MORE units than the PS5? It's already getting outsold practically 2:1.

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Yeah I don't see how it can happen this gen.

I do think that Xbox (with Bethesda, and others of their recent acquisitions) have a lot of strong positive momentum. They also clearly have the value proposition for the lion's share of consumers who don't mind going all-in on digital. I also think that gaming is even more Netflix-able than movies and TV, because games are repayable - and so keep you subscribed, in a way that movies can't match.

But no matter how convinced we may be that gamepass brings the goods in the long run, in the medium run the reality is that Sony has a much larger install base who are by default going to remain in their ecosystem (esp. with PS4 BC) unless Microsoft give them a very good reason not to. This is especially true in some geographies (like mainland Europe) where Xbox never really gained a foothold even in the 360-era high water mark. An already-bullish prediction would be that Xbox (S and X combined) outsells Playstation in North America, and the commonwealth/anglosphere of UK/ANZAC/India. It is currently losing in all of those markets, (even in the US they need to close a 20% PS4 lead gen-on-gen) and they are faced with a strong and conservative Sony which is determined not to make any mistakes this time. Even that wouldn't be enough.

So no, I can't see it.

Ok can we just close this thread ? It's pure non-sense

RolStoppable said:
SKMBlake said:

Ok can we just close this thread ? It's pure non-sense

Sometimes something is so bad that it becomes good in a weird way.

Yeah but no, he ruined it. I was expecting to have an interesting debate, but he just blatanly ignored 13 pages of arguments and directky aimed you saying only "look who's talking".

I mean, come on

Gamepass is great (even if I don't care about it). But if Gamepass moves consoles, it'll probably move Xbox Series S consoles, which might turn out to be a problem for Microsoft later in the generation.
Microsoft probably will do better than last gen, but I don't see them beating PlayStation unless they really land some excellent exclusives. Exclusives move consoles more then services.

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RolStoppable said:
SKMBlake said:

Yeah but no, he ruined it. I was expecting to have an interesting debate, but he just blatanly ignored 13 pages of arguments and directky aimed you saying only "look who's talking".

I mean, come on

Your expectations were too high and that's nobody's fault but yours.

I was fooled by the beard, I thought it meant wisdom

At this rate Xbox will have to make a lot of big moves just to make it a closer fight than PS4 vs Xbone.

They'll have to substantially up production, keep Bethesda games off Playstation, (which I doubt will happen) make Halo cool again after 5's missteps, showcase what their hardware can do to avoid the perception that PS5 is graphically superior again, and build up a competitive first party catalogue as Sony did over the PS3-PS4 years, and even if they manage all that it'll probably still sell like 80 million while PS5 will most likely outsell the PS4.

Only really being strong in NA is just too much of a disadvantage against a brand that's popular all over the world.

Last edited by curl-6 - on 04 June 2021

curl-6 said:

At this rate Xbox will have to make a lot of big moves just to make it a closer fight than PS4 vs Xbone.

They'll have to substantially up production, keep Bethesda games off Playstation, (which I doubt will happen) make Halo cool again after 5's missteps, showcase what their hardware can do to avoid the perception that PS5 is graphically superior again, and build up a competitive first party catalogue as Sony did over the PS3-PS4 years, and even if they manage all that it'll probably still sell like 80 million while PS5 will most likely outsell the PS4.

Only really being strong in NA is just too much of a disadvantage against a brand that's popular all over the world.

And sell at least 8-10 million units in Japan. I don't see that happening unless they change the name of Xbox and make it portable with a ton of Japanese franchises. Small and big.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Leynos said:
curl-6 said:

At this rate Xbox will have to make a lot of big moves just to make it a closer fight than PS4 vs Xbone.

They'll have to substantially up production, keep Bethesda games off Playstation, (which I doubt will happen) make Halo cool again after 5's missteps, showcase what their hardware can do to avoid the perception that PS5 is graphically superior again, and build up a competitive first party catalogue as Sony did over the PS3-PS4 years, and even if they manage all that it'll probably still sell like 80 million while PS5 will most likely outsell the PS4.

Only really being strong in NA is just too much of a disadvantage against a brand that's popular all over the world.

And sell at least 8-10 million units in Japan. I don't see that happening unless they change the name of Xbox and make it portable with a ton of Japanese franchises. Small and big.

Yeah Japan is basically free sales for PS5 as XS is a non-factor there. Europe and ROTW also lean heavily Playstation. The USA alone can't offset all that, especially when XS isn't even winning in America atm.

curl-6 said:
Leynos said:

And sell at least 8-10 million units in Japan. I don't see that happening unless they change the name of Xbox and make it portable with a ton of Japanese franchises. Small and big.

Yeah Japan is basically free sales for PS5 as XS is a non-factor there. Europe and ROTW also lean heavily Playstation. The USA alone can't offset all that, especially when XS isn't even winning in America atm.

Thats the problem. People put to much stock on the US. Sure its the biggest individual market, but look at Nintendo and Sony. Its a small slice of the pie but for MS its the majority. The potential growth is limited as they probably went as far as they can get. I would not be suprised that the largwr part of the US base is multi console owners. So the potential growth is even smaller. 

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.