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Forums - Gaming Discussion - E3 Hub Thread - TIme to wrap up! Nintendo poll up


What was your favorite part of Nintendo's E3 Direct?

Advance Wars 1+2 Re-Boot Camp 3 8.82%
Cruis'n Blast 0 0%
Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water 0 0%
Hyrule Warriors: AoC Puls... 0 0%
Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 13 38.24%
Mario Party Superstars 0 0%
Metroid Dread 11 32.35%
Shin Megami Tensei 5 5 14.71%
Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania 0 0%
Warioware: Get It Together! 2 5.88%

Looks like Eiyuden Chronicles won the latest poll. Either the Suikoden series has massively gained in popularity recently, or MS overall show was just weak.

user modded for this post as well as in conjunction with various other posts in this thread.-axum

Last edited by axumblade - on 13 June 2021

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Cerebralbore101 said:
Runa216 said:

And Square-Enix angered me by releasing the Final Fantasy 1-6 collection...on mobile. what garbage. Absolute garbage.

*Hugs his FF6 and FF5 cartridges for GBA*

I may have to do the same, then slowly suffocate them with a pillow to save them from Square-Enix. 

My Console Library:

PS5, Switch, XSX

PS4, PS3, PS2, PS1, WiiU, Wii, GCN, N64 SNES, XBO, 360

3DS, DS, GBA, Vita, PSP, Android

Also agreeing that Babylon's fall looks meh.

The_Liquid_Laser said:

OMG, the SquareEnix was the most dissapointing presentation, but that's because I like a lot of their games.  They spent waaaay too much time on Avengers stuff.  Me during the FF1-6 compilation was like:

"Wow, this looks great.  Bringing back all 6 in one collection?  Maybe they'll make them all 2D-HD?  That would be awesome..."

"Mobile!?!  What?  Noooooooo!!"

The last game looks somewhat interesting depending on how well they execute it.  It looks like a reimagining of FF1, which is something I'm willing to give a try.

Yeah, I’m really looking forward to the 2D-HD remaster of Dragon Quest III. Lately Dragon Quest has been getting most of the good ideas while Final Fantasy gets the shaft. With this I was just like “why…” I’d settle for straight ports of the originals on a Switch cartridge or even as a downloadable. They’re so frustrating sometimes, just because they do have good ideas. 

I will try to keep an open mind about the Team Ninja game. They actually do good work when they’re given the ability.

Microsoft: 7/10 great presentation, good stuff all around but even with Bethesday they still haven't got that megaton that is going to rival the PS

Square Enix: 4/10 no major announcement/gameplay from the mother of RPG's is disappointing & WHY ruin an epic looking game like Stranger of Paradise with tasteless cold unfeeling US-movie style humour that is not even funny and almost outdated - no offence : S

don't mind my username, that was more than 10 years ago, I'm a different person now, amazing how people change ^_^

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So who's going to write the Eulogy for E3 2021? None of the conferences have been good yet. Not even close. While Geoff Keighly's summer games fest had Elden Ring, nothing else has been great and every other reveal has been disappointing. Nobody's gotten away from the hype here. Microsoft and Square-enix could have been great. Microsoft has 23 studios and managed to only show a handful of games, most without any gameplay on display. Square-Enix has Final Fantasy XVI and the XIV expansion coming up, and instead they showed us some emo kid's Final Fantasy I fanfiction. Ubisoft has Skull and Bones and Rayman and Beyond Good and Evil and we just got...more Far Cry 6. Which looks bad, or at least did during the Ubisoft presentation.

So many games from so many developers have been absent. At this rate I'd almost be willing to bet actual money that we won't see Breath of the Wild 2, Bayonetta 3, No More Heroes 3, Octopath Traveller 2, Triangle Strategy, or Metroid Prime 4 at Nintendo's showcase. Back near the beginning of the thread I JOKED that a Smash character could win E3 but now it might actually be how things go. I just...this is so bad. IT's so disheartening. I know nobody believes me and that's fine, but I WANT everyone to win. I want all the consoles to have their own identity that makes them stand out and caters to their own fanbases, I want developers to be competitive and to push boundaries and try new things. I want the industry to be good and I truly do believe that gaming as a whole is more diverse and inclusive and better than it ever has why does E3 suck so badly?

where's everwild? Where's Avowed? where's Fable 4? where's Final Fantasy XVI? Where's The Elder Scrolls VI? Where's Beyond Good and Evil 2? Where's Rayman? Where's...

And for those games that are announced, regardless of platform or publisher, where's the gameplay? Announcing a new IP and not showing gameplay is only one step higher than a splashpage logo. we watched like 10 minutes of Redfall or whatever and we barely know more about it than MEtroid Prime 4. Why can't we know ANYTHING about 'Contraband'? Why do we not know more about Starfield now than we did 10 months ago (IT's a Bethesda game, in spaaaaaace! all we know except that it's now confirmed exclusive, which we all figured out months ago).

Babylon's Fall and Final Fantasy Origin both look terrible. Like, the teams behind them (Platinum and Team Ninja) Both have impressive track records so I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt here and be cautiously optimistic but what we saw was absolutely terrible. FF Origin or whatever looked like some emo kid's final Fantasy fanfiction after he played the Devil May Cry side-game theory (holy shit it makes sense now!) Babylon's Fall looks okay but nowhere near the punchy, engaging awesomeness it could/should be.

Like I said, the only announcement so far that has me excited was just the patched-together Elden Ring gameplay trailer. And honestly, if I didn't know the team behind that (Fromsoft and Hidetaki Miyazaki) I would think that looks bland and generic, too.

All Nintendo has to do is not be terrible and it wins E3 by default. The only other presentation that was kinda okay was Microsoft...and that's because once again they showed two of their holy trinity. The two that don't personally interest me at all. Forza genuinely looked great and HAlo was...Halo (except Free 2 Play now, which warns me that it'll be Microtransaction-littered and disgusting and thus something I will avoid like the plague).

Bad E3. Bad presentations. Bad all around.

My Console Library:

PS5, Switch, XSX

PS4, PS3, PS2, PS1, WiiU, Wii, GCN, N64 SNES, XBO, 360

3DS, DS, GBA, Vita, PSP, Android

I wonder if Sony has exclusive rights to show FFXVI and that's why it didn't apear at SE's presentation.

Link_Nines.XBC said:

I wonder if Sony has exclusive rights to show FFXVI and that's why it didn't apear at SE's presentation.

Whatever sonys next showcase is will have way more eyes on it, so it makes sense even from an SE standpoint. Most big FF reveals typically happen at Sonys show.

I can't believe SE disrespected the legacy of Final Fantasy with such a dodgy looking origins game. Looking at the online response I won't be surprised if the game vanishes and reappears later in the generation.

The SE show was awful. Only the new anime opening for Legend of Mana interested me.