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Forums - Sales Discussion - America = The main arena of this generation's console war? (Wii vs 360)

outlawauron said:
Everyone who bought Halo 2 will buy Halo 3. Their Xbox Live system is so popular b/c of Halo. Halo 3 will outsell SSB:B in NA for sure, but not so sure WW.

 Well you are correct about the odds of Halo III outselling SSBB in the future. As for the amount of sales for halo 3 doubling I quite doubt it, but it doesnt mean it is possible. The statistics says from vgcharts worldwide software charts is that Halo I sold 6.43 million copies while super smash bros sold 5.55 million copies. As for Halo II it sold 7.89 million copies while smash bros melee sold 6.58 million. If you compaire the sellings there is at least a million difference between smash bros and halo. As for the difference of sellings between halo I and halo II is only a 1.46 million copies difference, which is not nearly enough to double its previous amount. However who knows what is in store this time around.

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First I would say that I agree, if the number on vgchartz is correct, as ioi as stated the wear forced to take this step a little bit earlier than planned so they are still fin tuning it. Saying that, last month compared to NPD was pretty spot on. If Nintendo could use their launch hype in USA to hunt xbox360 and gain on it during the summer I do think that Wii could sell evenly with xbox360 even when Halo3 hits. I think SSBB brawl will at least sell even with Halo3, but Halo3 might get better legs.



Buy it and pray to the gods of Sigs: Naznatips!

Andrew said:
cebrian said:
ckmlb said:
cebrian said:
Halo is not a bigger name than mario or smash bros... so i guess they are kind of even.

 No trust me in the US it is bigger.

But you know, I dont live in the US so it kind of evens out... I wal talking worldwide, because you know WW>US


Don't be so sure of that


but seriously halo will destroy mario, defenitly during the first week. Halo 2 sold like 2 million the first week and I expect halo 3 to double that

The target audience for Halo and Mario is very different. How can Halo destroy Mario ? doubt of an FPS game destroy a platformer game.....hahaha

Andrew said:

Jeez sometimes I think people don't even read the threads.

What he is saying is if the 360 held a 50 percent market level in the U.S. the wii could NEVER gain the dominance that the PS2 did.

Now as for the other guy saying that the other consoles have incredible software- they do but, the 360 is putting all its big guns out this holiday season and its putting out bigger names then the other companies.

the market level in U.S. is approx. 40 millions (see the record of PS2) and 360 can only reach less than 1/6 (6 millions) in 18 months, compare to Wii make sales of 3 millions in 6 months...

I keep you post and see what happen at the end of 2007.

Here is a CRAZY prediction for all you xbox fans. HALO 3 will have lower WW shipments than at least the five top games on Wii. I will even buy it on its release day to boost sales by one to help you all out. (it has been one of my most wanted games for several years anyway) Now if 2 years ago I would have told you the DS would have at least 8 games that would out sell GTA on PSP. Would you have believed me? GTA series has had far better sales than HALO has.

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Just a few notes: I DO believe the 360 will beat out the Wii this generation based on a few reasons: 1. The primary reason is the fact that I believe year-wise, the 360 will live a longer life vs. the Wii. Even if the Wii does great, I think, at most, it'll get 5 years before a major overhaul. Right now, the 360 is looking at 6-7 years until a succuessor is launched, and MS has already indicated that they're not going to "Xbox" the 360 and kill the platform off. IMO, the Xbox, had it of recieved more support post-360 launch (like, actually have a factory produce the friggin' system), it would of sold an 500k systems in the US. 2. You can say "oh, SSB, SMG and MP3 are going to out-duel the holy 360 trinity of GTAIV, H3, and whatever #3 is between ME, Madden or Bioshock , but the numbers just don't work. Examples from VGChartz: Super Mario 64: 6,870,000 Units Sold (highest-selling Mario game in the US since Mario 3) Smash Brothers MeLee: 4,060,000 Units Sold (highest selling GC game in the US) Metroid Prime: 1,920,000 (Highest-selling MP game thus far) Versus: GTA:SA: 9,150,000 Units Sold Halo 2: 6,110,000 Units Sold Madden 07 (X360 version): 1,620,000 Units Sold Now, showing these figures, the 360 has the higher precieved abilities in software. MP2 declined sales of the MP franchise by 1/2 (only sold 800k in the US), therefore, we cannot say that MP3 will outsell MP1, or what it'll do, so it's suspect. SMG could get to SM64 levels, but again, it could be suspect: Zelda: TP has only sold 1.5m copies in the US, a level FAR lower than Zelda 64, the closest game for comparison in that catagory. Here's the big issue: Even as a Nintendo fanboy, you could argue that the best Nintendo can do is offer equal counter-programming to MS's top 3. I would argue this point, as H3/GTAIV have pretty strong sales going into it, and increasing sales in franchises, whereas SBM increased, and SMS decreased on GC. Now, despite that, and giving Nintendo the benefit of the doubt, the issue is with second-tier software. What exactly does Nintendo have for confirmed, or very well likely other million sellers? Battallion Wars? Madden 08 maybe? Here's the big issue I have with Nintendo really taking MS out this Christmas, the 360 has Stranglehold, Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Army of Two, Madden 08, Mass Effect, Mercenaries 2 among their 3 and 4th quarter games. IMO, these games will most likely far outweigh Nintendo's second tier exclusive, or atleast important software. Madden 08 will be the first true test of where Wii software will go. I fully expect for Madden 08's top seller to be on the 360 with above 2,000,000 unit sales. The Wii will be lucky to get 1m, if that. Cjpie, your comparing the DS, which as sold 50m units, to a crappy GTA port to a PSP, which has sold half the units. Also, if your wondering "how can a platformer get destroyed by an FPS", one only needs to start glancing over the way of Goldeneye 007. Yes, it didn't outsell SM64, but it's the highest selling 3rd party game for Nintendo in history. Also, arguing how well a platformer will do vs. FPS, will reveal the fact that platformer sales have kind of been on the decline vs. FPS. One only can question how that'll effect SMG. Finally, I wonder: Has Nintendo even confirmed ALL 3 games are coming out this year?

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

mrstickball said:
DO believe the 360 will beat out the Wii this generation based on a few reasons:

1. The primary reason is the fact that I believe year-wise, the 360 will live a longer life vs. the Wii. Even if the Wii does great, I think, at most, it'll get 5 years before a major overhaul. Right now, the 360 is looking at 6-7 years until a succuessor is launched, and MS has already indicated that they're not going to "Xbox" the 360 and kill the platform off. IMO, the Xbox, had it of recieved more support post-360 launch (like, actually have a factory produce the friggin' system), it would of sold an 500k systems in the US.

2. You can say "oh, SSB, SMG and MP3 are going to out-duel the holy 360 trinity of GTAIV, H3, and whatever #3 is between ME, Madden or Bioshock
, but the numbers just don't work.

Examples from VGChartz:

Super Mario 64: 6,870,000 Units Sold (highest-selling Mario game in the US since Mario 3)
Smash Brothers MeLee: 4,060,000 Units Sold (highest selling GC game in the US)
Metroid Prime: 1,920,000 (Highest-selling MP game thus far)

The "Lifespan" thing is largely debateable because (almost) every company talks about how their platform will have an 8 to 10 year life when it is first released; 5 or 6 years later they release a follow up system and may support the existing system for about a year, after that it only survives if third party publishers still see value in releasing games for it. Unless Sony or Microsoft do something unconventional (and probably stupid) expect a new system from them in 2010-2012.

Now, Microsoft may win in North America but it will be reasonably close; and they stand no chance of being the worldwide leader.

The wii will have a very good end year no doubt, but it can't match the 360 or PS3 for games, halo3, GTA4, these game will sell higher than anything the wii can make, GTA4 will be the best selling game all year.  This christmas season will bring the 360 and the PS3 back to life, the wii will get only weaker as the 360 and the PS3 start to flex their muscles.  Once 08 comes and the amazing titles start to come expect the wii to fail, GT5, FF13 and MGS4 will destroy any hope that people have in the wii, The 360 will have allan wake and halo wars and more massive sequels to their great titles.  The graphics will start to shine at the and of 08, now we enter 09 and we have GoW 2 hitting shelfs, this game will blow everything else away, and we can expect the next oblivion type game this year along with more ports of great PC titles. 

 The HDTV market will be cheap enough for everyone to get a 720p TV, and the price of 1080p TV's will be half the price. I would also expect people picking up 5.1 and 7.1 surround sytems to go with their TV's, this will destroy the wii.  The wii will come down in price and people will buy it to go with their 360 or PS3 but a very little percent of people will just own a wii.  You can expect M$ to bring out some sort of handheld system, phone/game system/mp3 player handheld that will be bale to hook up with the 360, the PSP redesign will be cheap and most people who have a PS3 will get one, the PS3 will be on firmware 3.60 in 09 allowing the system to do what everyone wants of it right now and much more.

The wii may have the end sales, but only because it is very cheap.

mrstickball said:
Just a few notes: I DO believe the 360 will beat out the Wii this generation based on a few reasons: 1. The primary reason is the fact that I believe year-wise, the 360 will live a longer life vs. the Wii. Even if the Wii does great, I think, at most, it'll get 5 years before a major overhaul. Right now, the 360 is looking at 6-7 years until a succuessor is launched, and MS has already indicated that they're not going to "Xbox" the 360 and kill the platform off. IMO, the Xbox, had it of recieved more support post-360 launch (like, actually have a factory produce the friggin' system), it would of sold an 500k systems in the US. 2. You can say "oh, SSB, SMG and MP3 are going to out-duel the holy 360 trinity of GTAIV, H3, and whatever #3 is between ME, Madden or Bioshock , but the numbers just don't work. Examples from VGChartz: Super Mario 64: 6,870,000 Units Sold (highest-selling Mario game in the US since Mario 3) Smash Brothers MeLee: 4,060,000 Units Sold (highest selling GC game in the US) Metroid Prime: 1,920,000 (Highest-selling MP game thus far) Versus: GTA:SA: 9,150,000 Units Sold Halo 2: 6,110,000 Units Sold Madden 07 (X360 version): 1,620,000 Units Sold Now, showing these figures, the 360 has the higher precieved abilities in software. MP2 declined sales of the MP franchise by 1/2 (only sold 800k in the US), therefore, we cannot say that MP3 will outsell MP1, or what it'll do, so it's suspect. SMG could get to SM64 levels, but again, it could be suspect: Zelda: TP has only sold 1.5m copies in the US, a level FAR lower than Zelda 64, the closest game for comparison in that catagory. Here's the big issue: Even as a Nintendo fanboy, you could argue that the best Nintendo can do is offer equal counter-programming to MS's top 3. I would argue this point, as H3/GTAIV have pretty strong sales going into it, and increasing sales in franchises, whereas SBM increased, and SMS decreased on GC. Now, despite that, and giving Nintendo the benefit of the doubt, the issue is with second-tier software. What exactly does Nintendo have for confirmed, or very well likely other million sellers? Battallion Wars? Madden 08 maybe? Here's the big issue I have with Nintendo really taking MS out this Christmas, the 360 has Stranglehold, Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Army of Two, Madden 08, Mass Effect, Mercenaries 2 among their 3 and 4th quarter games. IMO, these games will most likely far outweigh Nintendo's second tier exclusive, or atleast important software. Madden 08 will be the first true test of where Wii software will go. I fully expect for Madden 08's top seller to be on the 360 with above 2,000,000 unit sales. The Wii will be lucky to get 1m, if that. Cjpie, your comparing the DS, which as sold 50m units, to a crappy GTA port to a PSP, which has sold half the units. Also, if your wondering "how can a platformer get destroyed by an FPS", one only needs to start glancing over the way of Goldeneye 007. Yes, it didn't outsell SM64, but it's the highest selling 3rd party game for Nintendo in history. Also, arguing how well a platformer will do vs. FPS, will reveal the fact that platformer sales have kind of been on the decline vs. FPS. One only can question how that'll effect SMG. Finally, I wonder: Has Nintendo even confirmed ALL 3 games are coming out this year?

Interesting and let's see how's the result at the end.....this is funny that people compare platformer to FPS...totally different audience....Well, no one believe NDS can beat PSP in that level 2 years wait and see !

PS3owner said:
The wii will have a very good end year no doubt, but it can't match the 360 or PS3 for games, halo3, GTA4, these game will sell higher than anything the wii can make, GTA4 will be the best selling game all year. This christmas season will bring the 360 and the PS3 back to life, the wii will get only weaker as the 360 and the PS3 styart to flex their muscles. once 08 comes and the amazing titles start to come expect the wii to fail, GT5, FF13 and MGS4 will destroy any hope that people have in the wii, The 360 will have allan wake and halo wars and more massive sequels to their great titles. The graphics will start to shine at the and of 08, now we enter 09 and we have GoW 2 hitting shelfs, this game will blow everything else away, and we can expect the next oblivion type game this year along with more ports of great PC titles.

The HDTV market will be cheap enough for everyone to get a 720p TV, and the price of 1080p TV's will be half the price. I would also expect people picking up 5.1 and 7.1 surround sytems to go with their TV's, this will destroy the wii, it will come down in price and people will buy it to go with their 360 or PS3 but a very little percent of people will just own a wii. Uou can expect M$ to bring our some sort of handheld system, phone/game system/mp3 player handhel that will be bale to hook up with the 360, the PSP redesign will be cheap and most people who have a PS3 will get one, the PS3 will be on firmware 3.60 in 09 allowing the system to do what everyone wants of it right now.

Right ...

HDTVs are already pretty cheap and have been for quite awhile; last year I bought a 34 inch widescreen CRT HDTV for $500; as a CRT it produces far superior images to any existing Plasma or LCD tv that is currently on the market. Even at this price though, CRT HDTVs sold far worse than the more expensive and lower quality LCD TVs mainly because people don't care about HDTV and really want flat pannel displays. Beyond that the Wii is selling remarkably well in Japan which is a market that has much higher HDTV penetration so I don't think that people are all that motivated to buy a console based on its output resolution.

Hypothetically speaking, the Wii may be the worldwide market leader by the end of 2007. Being that it will have sold more hardware than the XBox 360 in half the time, and sold 2 (or more) times as many units of hardware as Sony has in the same time frame, it is likely that many of the third party "Big Guns" will be developed exclusively for the Wii in 2008/2009. How will the PS3 and XBox 360 be able to come back when the Wii has twice as many good games avaiable for it then they do?