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I just finished my first Re-watch of Lost since the series aired. I liked it almost as well as the first time. The last two seasons dragged but I had less of a problem with the ending on this re-watch.

I also re-watched Raising Hope and I think I actually like it better than My Name is Earl. Both are silly fun and great for back ground watching.

During Christmas time Vudu had sales on complete seasons so I bought full series runs of: Castle, Grimm, Scrubs, psych, The Expanse, and House.

I have moved on to re-watching Psych. I am not sure I will finish this one, the first few episodes are not holding up as well as I remember. I haven't decided yet but I may abandon that and watch Squid Games2. From what I am seeing I could opt to wait for 3 to release before starting 2 so I don't get stuck with a cliffhanger.

I also bought The Expanse. I had previously seen the first couple episodes but not gotten hooked. I have seen little but praise for it so who knows. It may end up at the top of the list.

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The_Yoda said:

During Christmas time Vudu had sales on complete seasons so I bought full series runs of: Castle, Grimm, Scrubs, psych, The Expanse, and House.

I also bought The Expanse. I had previously seen the first couple episodes but not gotten hooked. I have seen little but praise for it so who knows. It may end up at the top of the list.

That's a nice haul! House MD is among my all-time favorite shows. The Expanse starts of a bit slow, but it's well worth continuing, the story is amazing and the setting is incredibly well made (and realistic to boot).

My run on Chicago PD continues, but there's a lot of crossover stuff happening. I can't really find the shows they crossover with, which leaves holes in the overarching story. I've also yet to find anywhere to watch "Evil" seasons 2-5, it looks like it's simply unavailable in my region.

Started Watching

-My Happy Marriage Season 2 (Anime/Netflix)

Finally got to see and enjoy Sonic 3, but they should have killed off Director Rockwell, that dumbass ingrate cunt who managed to be even more punchable than Robotnik.

Started on

-Unnamed Memory Act.2 (Anime)

Around the Network

Started watching

-Ameku M.D.: Doctor Detective (Anime)

Recently watched Silo S1. Fully caught up on The Legend of Vox Machina, Squid Game, Secret Level and Cobra Kai. Finished What We Do in the Shadows, Chucky and Arcane. Now back to games but I think by the end of the month I'll watch Silo S2 and start/finish Shogun and Foundation as my next few watches. Was hoping to get From S3 in too but not sure I'll have a place to watch it.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 10 January 2025

I'm watching Lost for the first time. I never watched it before beyond the pilot episode since there was much better stuff on TV back then. Now it's better than anything I can find and I'm hooked. It's also great to see seasons with 23 episodes instead of fucking 6 or 7.

High Potential and Will Trent started back up, also entertaining. Matlock is good too, comes back on the 30th.

AI fail: "The next episode of Matlock is "Friends", which aired on Thursday, January 30, 2025"

Anyway Lost is great, I'm on S2 ep 7 so far.

Finished watching

-The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse Season 1

Got back into Oggy and The Cockroaches. Forgot how unabashedly insane this show was. XD