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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox Achievement League 2021 - June update is here

February's Rare Achievements

Gears Tactics - Seriously Jacked 15.39Angelus18
Gears Tactics - I've done the whole mind control thing...13.71Angelus15
Gears Tactics - The Big Ending12.83KiigelHeart13
Gears Tactics - immortal Legion12.68Angelus10
Gears Tactics - Savior of Vasgar11.98Angelus8
Sea of Thieves - Many, many Manifests11.63Spade, ice6
Gears Tactis - Great Vengeance and Furious Anger...11.51Angelus5
Stardew Valley - Fector's Challenge10.86Versus Evil4

Around the Network


Angelus | Arch Adonias

The Medium1.71
Control: Ultimate Edition2.02
Call of The Sea1.61
Fractured Minds1.020
Donut County1.31
Tell Me Why1.371
The Gardens Between1.10
Bloodstained Ritual of the Night2.32
The Little Acre1.2061
What Remains of Edith Finch1.10
Gears Tactics - Jacked Game Mode9.69

Overall pts earned by completions: 18

Barozi | Gerbasgamer

Football Game1.00
Yooka Laylee and the Impossible Lair2.42
She sees Red1.00
Hidden Through Time1.120
Red Bow1.00
Milo's Quest1.00
Swordbreaker the Game1.00
Thunder Paw1.00
Concept Destruction1.00
Minecraft Aquatic Phase 12.252
The Great Perhaps1.10
Control: Ultimate Edition2.02
The Jackbox Party Pack 42.62
The Medium1.71
Tom CLancy's the Division 2 - Warlords of New York title update1.51

Total pts from completions - 10

ice | PHO3N1X DOWN

Kingdom Hearts III2.82

Total pts from completions - 2

Kenjab | LockedArrow1311

Fractured Minds2.22
Nier Automata1.00

Total pts from completions - 2

KiigelHeart | KiigelHeart

Full Throttle Remastered1.31
Minecraft Nether Update3.13
Minecraft Base game2.22
Minecraft Village and Pillage4.04
Call of the Sea1.61

total points from completions - 11

Spade | SliferCynDelta

WWE 2k Battlegrounds2.12
Overcooked! 2 - base game2.42
Valkyria Revolution3.43
Sea of Thieves - Festival of Giving3.33

Total points from Completions - 10

Versus Evil | Versus Evil

ReCore - Base Game2.22
ReCore - Definitive Edition5.75
Quantum Break1.41
Halo The Master Chief Collection Title update 33.73
Minecraft Nether Update3.13
Minecraft Aquatic Phase Two2.62
Minecraft R10 Update3.43
Minecraft cats and Pandas2.82
Minecraft Village and Pillage4.04
Minecraft Buzzy Bees3.23
Minecraft Suspicious Soup3.23
Minecraft Aquatic Phase One2.22
Call of the Sea1.61
Minecraft Dungeons - Base game1.71
Minecraft Dungeons Jungle Awakens2.72
Minecraft Dungeons Creeping Winter2.72

Total points from completions: 42

New Plat/Golds


The Medium - Angelus

The Medium - Barozi


The Medium - Axumblade

Overall February Rankings

1 Angelus | Arch Adonias 22 56 18 10 106
2 Versus Evil | Verus Evil 25 4 42 71
3 Barozi | Gerbasgamer 30 10 10 50
4 KiigelHeart | KiigelHeart 15 13 11 39
5 Spade | SliferCynDelta 18 6 10 34
6 KenJab | LockedArrow 20 2 22
7 Mike321 | AlphaMike321 12 12
8 DroidKnight | xxDROIDKNIGHTxx 10 10
9 Libara | Libara 8 8
10 ice | PHO3N1X DOWN 5 2 7
11 Axumblade | Axumblade 1 5 6
12 NobleTeam360 | Paine 1 1
12 Ludicrous Speed | CptRod Cod 1 1
12 Shikamaru317 | Unbound17 1 1
12 Dulfite | Dulfite 1 1
12 DerpySquirtle64 | DRPSquirtle64 1 1
12 Ryuu96 | XiRyuuXi 1 1
12 Acvil | Acvil 1 1
19 ironmanDX | ironDX 0 0

YTD Rankings

Place VGC user | GT Points
1 Versus Evil | Versus Evil 127
2 Spade | SliferCynDelta 109
3 Angelus | Arch Adonias 107
4 Barozi | Gerbasgamer 91
5 KiigelHeart | KiigelHeart 45
6 ice | PHO3N1X DOWN 39
7 Libara | Libara 30
8 KenJab | LockedArrow1311 23
9 Shikamaru317 | Unbound17 20
10 Mike321 | AlphaMike321 18
11 DroidKnight | xxDROIDKNIGHTxx 11
12 DerpySquirtle64 | DRPSquirtle64 9
13 Axumblade | Axumblade 7
13 ironmanDX | ironDX 7
15 Ryuu96 | XiRyuuXi 6
15 NobleTeam360 | Paine 6
17 Dulfite | Dulfite 2
18 Ludicrous Speed | CptRod Cod 1
18 Acevil | Acevil 1
Last edited by ice - on 15 March 2021

So plat wise in April... what everyone think about


Nier Replicant

MLB the Show


Might have to implement a 5 player minimum rule, some decent choices for next month.

Around the Network

Well, that's enough points to not finish last on the year, so....I'm satisfied lol

Do we need to sign off on plats? I thought it was just all first party, and big third party games were automatically qualified as long as enough people play them.

Angelus said:

Well, that's enough points to not finish last on the year, so....I'm satisfied lol

Do we need to sign off on plats? I thought it was just all first party, and big third party games were automatically qualified as long as enough people play them.

It's been a pretty dead year so far, But the plan is MS/big 3rd parties. Might implement the 5 player minimum rule which I believe was used for the previous leagues.

Yeah there should be a minimum amount of players, but 5 sounds a little high. That would be 26% of the users.
4 or 3 might be a better choice (especially for non-Game Pass games).

Barozi said:

Yeah there should be a minimum amount of players, but 5 sounds a little high. That would be 26% of the users.
4 or 3 might be a better choice (especially for non-Game Pass games).

4 might be the sweet spot, I feel like 3 might be too low

I'm late but I will join the cheevo league again mostly been watching Sport and messing around on MP stuff through the winter but now I got a Series X and nothing to watch so time to start playing some games again.