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Forums - Sales Discussion - Playstation 5 vs XBox Series Market Share Estimates

Does anyone know how many Xbox owners also play on PC? If the percentage is something in between 20-30% I think Xbox series X will flop badly

With all upcoming Microsoft games coming for PCs is there any reason to even buy the the Xbox? Cause I don't see any

Sony at least have some exclusives

Ignore this post if co-ownership of PC-XBOX is around 5% or less

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The PS5 will obviously outsell the XBS. I think the Xbox Series will reclaim NA and will gain little more market share everywhere else.
The PS4 was definitely successful, but part of that was Microsoft and Nintendo completely faltered at the start of the 8th generation. Both companies are in much better position and PC gaming has become way more popular than before.
So my prediction for PS5 is 80-90 mil, while XBS is 40-50 mil. So about a 67% market share for PS5 and 33% for XBS.

IcaroRibeiro said:
Does anyone know how many Xbox owners also play on PC? If the percentage is something in between 20-30% I think Xbox series X will flop badly

With all upcoming Microsoft games coming for PCs is there any reason to even buy the the Xbox? Cause I don't see any

Sony at least have some exclusives

Ignore this post if co-ownership of PC-XBOX is around 5% or less

From what we know from this generation is that MS sold 20m+ Xbox One consoles after they started bringing all their games to PC. This also aligned with them having the worst years in terms of first party games. But as you can see, there is at least the market of 20m+ people to which they can sell their consoles.


75% PS5 - 25% xbox

Something around 65-70% ps5 and 30-35% Xbox

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Current gen hardware: 120m : 60m -> 66:33I expect PS5 to dominate Xbox even more than the PS4 did. Key markets for gain are US and UK. The PS4 had a relatively weak precedent, the PS3, whereas the PS5 is building off an extraordinary amount of consumer loyalty and interest after the stellar PS4 generation and its focus on ecosystems.PS5 is breaking every digital metric there is at the moment. I also expect PS5 to make more headway into markets like Asia, ME, Africa, South America, continuing the momentum of PS4.Hardware marketshare : 135m : 45m (give or take 5 million)