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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Possible Xbox Series X price leak, by Monster Energy Drinks.


How much will series X cost?

549$ - Halo Infinate sin... 3 15.00%
599$ - Halo Infinate MP is free2play. 10 50.00%
nah... nope... it has to be... cheaper right? 7 35.00%

$600 seems too high. It's a far cry from a company that once toothed with the idea of offering console for free and make money back with software.
But who knows, right now, Microsoft strategy place the Xbox hardware only as an option to be a part of Microsoft ecosystem. While console sales are still essential to this, selling more than competition is not so it's possible that Microsoft decide not to take a loss on each sales. Even then $600 seems a stretch as it place the series X well within profit area from the get go.
I sure hope for a $500 price tag as it would mean 600$ CAD (same as Xbox one X was)
If they go with $600 tough, it would probably mean $800 CAD (At this price point I'll pass for sure).

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If both are $600 then that will be a first and probably just handed the holiday to Switch new hardware or no. Man, I miss 9/9/99 $199. This industry is just so bloated now.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

There's no way either console is going to be priced over $500.

Wasn’t BOM reported to be $450 for “normal” PS5? If so, then $500 for disc version is a given.

This is all but certainly false.

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Considering Halo Infinite won't release this year the leak isn't much assurance.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

Barkley said:
zero129 said:

Im not saying your wrong but do you have a link?.

I'm trying to find his actual own words, strangely no clear links, but eh.

Edit: Found some of his own words on the matter, he never said he "made it all up". He did however say that it was just anecdotal statements, that he's unedcuated on the topic and can't understand the technical details and his reason for sharing them is he thought the forum was too "one-sided".

I am not trying to get on your nerves, but this is quite funny.

You: The dude literally said he made it all up.
Zero: Do you have a link for it?
You: *share his tweet* It literally says: "I am just passing along anecdotal statements, I didn't make them up!"

And you still stand by your original claim that he lost credibility. Even though your own "evidence" contains the exact opposite of what you said about him. 

Funny to me!

Imagine not having GamePass on your console...

Even Pringles is getting in on the price leaks. The link has the screenshots.

"According to a post on the Pringles Facebook page for a giveaway, its seems the Xbox Series X might cost a not insubstantial R13,500.00. Rounded off, that comes to $815. How that price was calculated is a bit complicated.
The pricing detail, spotted by eagle-eyed twitter user Cavie, comes from the terms and conditions for the giveaway, a link most people would not have thought to click on. A screen grab taken from a document related to the giveaway indicates that Pringles will be issuing 46 Xbox Series X consoles and that total value of the prize pool is R621,000.00. R621,000.00 divided by 46 comes to a perfect R13,500.00, which when converted to US dollars comes in the region of $815.
Now its unlikely that the $815 will end being an actual retail price in the international market. The calculated R13,500.00 South Africa will include taxes and other import duties, so its likely inflated from what the US pricing will be. That being said, this would indicate that US pricing is probably $599 or more."