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Forums - Politics Discussion - Is it true that Americans are to this day afraid of socialism?

invetedlotus123 said:
For perspective I pay 400 BRL for health insurance that cover virtually everything I May ever need. From specialized doctors, emergency care, surgeries, psychotherapy, odontological care everything. I do have to pay 30% co-pay but it's irrisory considering how much I would paying it directly. And if I ever get some serious disease like cancer or happen to suffer a serious life threatening accident like a car crash I don't have to pay a penny to get full treatment.

In USA I already read some bizarre cases of people spending millions on cancer treatment or getting involved in a car crash and after they survive and leave the hospital the have a 50k bill to pay.

You want USA to use SUS while yourself preffer health insurance? You do know that USA have health insurance plan right? Also aware that ObamaCare and the government financing of university education were the two main factors for the big jump in price for both health insurance and superior education in USA?

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

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Eagle367 said:
Some of the takes on this thread are so bad and so full of propaganda and bad takes that I don't know where to start to reply to them. I will say though that the US has socialism already. It has corporate socialism. Socialize the losses and privatize the profits. Get an oligarchy in the guise of "free market" Capitalism when there's no such thing as a "free market."

Well we sure as hell keep bailing out the large corporations.  Did it in 2008 and now 2020. 

DonFerrari said:
invetedlotus123 said:
For perspective I pay 400 BRL for health insurance that cover virtually everything I May ever need. From specialized doctors, emergency care, surgeries, psychotherapy, odontological care everything. I do have to pay 30% co-pay but it's irrisory considering how much I would paying it directly. And if I ever get some serious disease like cancer or happen to suffer a serious life threatening accident like a car crash I don't have to pay a penny to get full treatment.

In USA I already read some bizarre cases of people spending millions on cancer treatment or getting involved in a car crash and after they survive and leave the hospital the have a 50k bill to pay.

You want USA to use SUS while yourself preffer health insurance? You do know that USA have health insurance plan right? Also aware that ObamaCare and the government financing of university education were the two main factors for the big jump in price for both health insurance and superior education in USA?

Over here we only have this kind of health insurance because we have SUS. SUS brings the prices down. And SUS does have huge issues and deficiencies, but, a person at least receive treatmeant in extreme cases. It`s better to have SUS than nothing. Health insurance in USA is way better than not having, but they still pay small fortunes depending on the case.

invetedlotus123 said:
DonFerrari said:

You want USA to use SUS while yourself preffer health insurance? You do know that USA have health insurance plan right? Also aware that ObamaCare and the government financing of university education were the two main factors for the big jump in price for both health insurance and superior education in USA?

Over here we only have this kind of health insurance because we have SUS. SUS brings the prices down. And SUS does have huge issues and deficiencies, but, a person at least receive treatmeant in extreme cases. It`s better to have SUS than nothing. Health insurance in USA is way better than not having, but they still pay small fortunes depending on the case.

If you believe it ok... I guess USA private schools are cheap because they have very good public school? Or even in Brazil our schools are very cheap right? Not at all. A very bad public service doesn`t make the private service become cheap.

Funny enough a lot of doctors don`t accept health insurance because what they get paid is very little, still some will accept to lower their price for about what you would pay with the health insurance.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

Whats the biggest country to successfully implement universal healthcare? Japan and Mexico? I didn't look up Mexico's, but Japan's system seems to be doing wel, controlling added costs from year to year. I'm too lazy at the moment to look closer, but is there a private option to close the gap on fees? From wikepedia it looks like the regular coverage only covers 70%. Japan has around 127 million people, which is 200 million less people than the United States. It will not be easy to implement universal healthcare for so many people to cover the poorest of Americans. This is especially true when very few if any Republicans would vote for it. Saying all that I am in favor of universal healthcare for the one reason that no human being should have to choose between going bankrupt or die because they do not have adequate insurance.

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rapsuperstar31 said:
Whats the biggest country to successfully implement universal healthcare? Japan and Mexico? I didn't look up Mexico's, but Japan's system seems to be doing wel, controlling added costs from year to year. I'm too lazy at the moment to look closer, but is there a private option to close the gap on fees? From wikepedia it looks like the regular coverage only covers 70%. Japan has around 127 million people, which is 200 million less people than the United States. It will not be easy to implement universal healthcare for so many people to cover the poorest of Americans. This is especially true when very few if any Republicans would vote for it. Saying all that I am in favor of universal healthcare for the one reason that no human being should have to choose between going bankrupt or die because they do not have adequate insurance.

What you call successful?

Brazil have 100% coverage on the over 200M people.

And China probably have 100% coverage for over 1B people. 

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

DonFerrari said:
OhNoYouDont said:
Republicans and boomers are very afraid of socialism. Mostly because they were privy to the notion that if you work hard you can succeed and if you don't succeed then you're lazy, cold war era propaganda, and extremely low cost of living.

The world is quite different today. I have high confidence in gen z who score very high on empathy and very low on religion. We are heading in the right direction.

So you score very high on you don't need to work hard to succeed and if you want to be lazy you don't deserve to starve?

I think you're missing the point.

You can work hard your whole life and still live in poverty today. That wasn't the case in boomer days. Everything was more equitable back then.  

Wages should rise as COL rises. Instead, greedy corporations hoarded the wealth and the disparity between CEO wealth and everybody else went absolutely crazy. 

For example, in 1970 the average salary was around $10k and the average home price was about $25k

Today it is $31k and $271k

So we went from home price being 2.5x salary to being almost 10x salary which is why you see so many articles about millennials being unable to afford a house potentially ever.

Socialism attempts to prevent the exact scenario America is currently in by making things more equitable. CEO shouldn't make 200x what the average employee at their company makes: that's insane.

The fact that we have tons of people with multiple houses, private jets, yachts, etc. while others are homeless is an actual problem. Most of these people did not work any harder than Joe Six Pack next door. They simply were privileged or lucky.

You can absolutely become wealthy by working hard, but it takes more than that alone. You're not getting wealthy on a teacher's salary for example, which is a shame because teachers are fundamental to a productive society. Meanwhile, someone like me who fell into software development by serendipity and genuinely enjoys his job can be compensated well. I have too much, others have too little. It should be more equitable, I'm happy to pay more taxes to support people who are incapable or unable to get ahead to have a stable life and enjoy themselves.


Immersiveunreality said:
Eagle367 said:

I was obviously using hyperbole. I myself am a Muslim so not a big fan of the fallen djinn that once lead angels,

It is interesting that Lucifer was one of Gods highest tier servants,like at the very top.

I myself am not really attached to a religion but i often ask questions about its content(i talk about it often with a friend who is a priest) so in this case i would like to know if you have considered the motive for God to keep this servant at his side while he as God himself must have known the path Lucifer was going to walk?

I don't know about the Christian Lucifer but the Islamic Shaytan(The Broken One) or Azazeel, as was his name, is a lesson in humility. He was born out of special fire as all djinns were and he prayed so much that he attained special rank among the top angels.

But when God created Adam and told all angels to bow down, Azazeel refused because he was made of fire and Adam clay so why would fire bow down to clay? He refused God's command out of pure arrogance and he never repented or try to make amends. Instead he asked God to make him stat alive until Judgement Day so he can keep leading humans astray as a way to show how inferior they are and how easily they can be persuaded to do evil. He accepted rotting in the deepest pits of hell for that.

In islamic values, arrogance is such a big sin that it;s held contrary to faith itself aka its opposite. That's the lesson to be learnt from Satan. The biggest sin after associating partners with God is arrogance itself. 

It's one of the most important lessons in Islam as to how humans should behave. The best humans and Muslims are humble, and don't boast nor do they think themselves better than everyone else. Even if you don't believe in Islam, you can still learn from the story of Satan and not repeat his mistakes because arrogance is such an ugly thing and can destroy the best of creation. Everything we build up for our entire existence can get ruined by arrogance

Just a guy who doesn't want to be bored. Also

in the US the only thing similar to universal health care is the VA system and doesnt run well at all so there's that

Nautilus said:
Eagle367 said:
Some of the takes on this thread are so bad and so full of propaganda and bad takes that I don't know where to start to reply to them. I will say though that the US has socialism already. It has corporate socialism. Socialize the losses and privatize the profits. Get an oligarchy in the guise of "free market" Capitalism when there's no such thing as a "free market."

Talk about a bad take.

Do tell what is wrong with it and what's not correct about it? I have history on my side so you better be prepared for something good. The US has been protecting and making money for rich corporations since the 1st world war and even before that, a lot of times at the expense of her own people.

Just a guy who doesn't want to be bored. Also