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Forums - Sony Discussion - Ghost of Tsushima - Review Thread (MC: 83 / OC: 85)

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A couple hours in now. Loved the title sequence and appreciate how meaty the side quests seem. Nice UI, too.

Does feel like Sucker Punch still isn't a top tier developer yet, especially coming right after the incredible production of TLOU2. The graphics are fine (love that grass), but the animation is definitely lagging outside of combat. Hopefully Sony starts spreading their motion matching tech around like they do their graphics tech. More importantly the game would benefit from a few QOL tweaks; it's annoying how opening the map always breaks my stride and there's no medium between your horse's slow walk and full gallop, for instance.

Still really enjoying the game, though. Looking forward to hopping back in tonight.

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Mine is currently installing. Sadly, the steelbook had a series of significant gouges in it that's definitely messing up my joy. Talking to Gamestop about getting it fixed.

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Runa216 said:
Mine is currently installing. Sadly, the steelbook had a series of significant gouges in it that's definitely messing up my joy. Talking to Gamestop about getting it fixed.

That should be a refund,you got the steelbook as a collectors item probably and they messed that up.(or delivering company)

Im really impressed this game is not getting something close to 90 from the reviewers. Curious to know how will be the user score after a while.

lazzo said:
Im really impressed this game is not getting something close to 90 from the reviewers. Curious to know how will be the user score after a while.

Well there you go.

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hmm can see it rising to 95 for userscore.

Alrighty then, i'm getting Ghost of Tsushima plus Days Gone on Thursday.

John2290 said:
QUAKECore89 said:
Alrighty then, i'm getting Ghost of Tsushima plus Days Gone on Thursday.

Cause you don't trust MC journalist ratings anymore?

Yeah, sadly. And Especially the user reviews, it's fucked up and a meme. I can't post images of highly positive user reviews(for Ghost of Tsushima) here, it's too disturbing.

EDIT: So yeah, i'm getting Ghost of Tsushima based on a friend of mine's suggestion.

John2290 said:

^ It's already rose to 9.1

This is really interesting. Based on all the videos I watched and reviews I read, I expected it to be closer to 88-90. The game seems to be very good and very unique and even the boring open world aspects were made with a different approach then assassins creed for example.

8.3 is very low and it kind of doesn't make sense. User score is very detached from critics again. It's sitting at 92. Pretty crazy. Maybe review bombing from users to "revenge" tlou2?

ClassicGamingWizzz said:
Só far i think the review metacritic is fair, this game is far from a masterpiece .

Visuals of the world are some of the best, but sometimes the effects are too Much , There are places where they shove everything in there , butterflies, shit ton of petals , birds , fireflies , wind... Sometimes is too Much, Animations in this after playing the last of US lol, underwhelming, characters talk with zero expression on their faces...

People Said combat is easy só i started on hard, i just die and die lol, might Change to normal maibe i enjoy it a bit more

ND is a huge studio, SP has 1/5 of the manpower ND has. I've only found out about this because of my interest in Ghost, and it does put things into perspective. So this whole "SP is not at the same level as ND"... well duh! They don't get as much resources, which is probably for the best. 

ND games will always be more polished than any Sucker Punch game, but it doesn't mean much for someone whose interest was piqued by Ghost and never by Uncharted.