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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Playstation 5 " Future of Gaming ", June 11 Official Games Reveal/Streaming Thread - PS5 hardware revealed, includes standard and digital editions, PS new motto : "Play Has No Limit "


Are you ready for PS5

I am so Ready 16 51.61%
I am always ready 6 19.35%
Not yet, PS4 still has greatness 3 9.68%
My wallet are not ready 6 19.35%

i wonder if that stand is required or not

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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I much prefer the look of the digital edition. It's like an evolved Xbox 360, which was always a great design.


Not impressed. The new Ratchet & Clank seemed like the only game trying to do something with the SSD. Beyond that, it was all just better graphics, and the graphics of most games shown here weren't even that impressive. I'm sure the SSD enables things not obviously visible from those trailers, but overall, the show was pretty meh. At least it was all games. The most impressive thing was the console, which I think I liked quite a bit (although I still hate the controller because of the way the colours are used there).

I expected more tbh.

AngryLittleAlchemist said:
Jesus christ ... they basically just showed most of the hyped games coming to the console from 2020-2021 ... the madmen ... THE MADMEN!

This is a complete turnaround from the ... well ... slow start of this gen ... to put it nicely.

Not much gameplay either. More than the Xbox event but that one wasn't even for 1st party showings. 

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AngryLittleAlchemist said:
Jesus christ ... they basically just showed most of the hyped games coming to the console from 2020-2021 ... the madmen ... THE MADMEN!

This is a complete turnaround from the ... well ... slow start of this gen ... to put it nicely.

Yeah, its kind of mindblowing. The PS4 had a meh first year at best, even including third parties.

Now? It's first year might be the PS5 best one so far.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.

That all seemed terribly disappointing to me... horizon 2 will probably be good, but not worth a new console. I’m definitely not upgrading anytime soon... this might be my off ramp for gaming...

I NEED nore details on demons souls. Full remake? Will it uave new areas? Remade soundtrack? Ahhhh I need to know!

Carl said:
I much prefer the look of the digital edition. It's like an evolved Xbox 360, which was always a great design.

Off topic but your sig is evil. I just spent 2 minutes trying to kill that damn flea. 

Didn't see the release date for Ratchet or Horizon but if both come out near launch, I guess I will be buying a ps5 this winter! Throw in Spiderman and Resident Evil and what a launch year! The only thing I didn't see that I would have liked to have seen was a ps5 upgraded version of Last of Us 2 with free delivery for those that buy it on ps4.