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Forums - Sony Discussion - The Last of Us Part II - Review Thread (MC: 93 / OC: 93)

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So yeah, nobody should buy the "user score" up on Metacritic right now. It currently stands at 3.4 out of 10 with 4,564 ratings. That's a pretty impressive number of "user" ratings when you consider that the game has only been available for seven hours and takes some 25 or 30 hours to complete, and also considering that both versions of the original Last of Us were reviewed just over 9,000 times by Metacritic users in grand total.

My point being that this is clearly an organized movement of people who have NOT played the game. I wish sites like Metacritic would establish some kind of verification system to prove that you actually own the game you're reviewing so that this type of shit could not continue to happen in the future.

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Jaicee said:

So yeah, nobody should buy the "user score" up on Metacritic right now. It currently stands at 3.4 out of 10 with 4,564 ratings. That's a pretty impressive number of ratings when you consider that the game has only been available for seven hours and takes some 25 or 30 hours to complete, and also considering that both versions of the original Last of Us were reviewed just over 9,000 times by Metacritic users in grand total.

My point being that this is clearly an organized movement of people who have NOT played the game. I wish sites like Metacritic would establish some kind of verification system to prove that you actually own the game you're reviewing so that this type of shit could not continue to happen in the future.

Ow yeah ,would be nice if each copy of a particular game comes with a code that you need to enter to have your review validated on ratingsites like that.

Or a code you get for completing a game.

I remember there was a game that had this level of review bombing and metacritic actually stepped in and removed the 0 star troll reviews with no description.

Does anyone remember what game this was?

There's only 2 races: White and 'Political Agenda'
2 Genders: Male and 'Political Agenda'
2 Hairstyles for female characters: Long and 'Political Agenda'
2 Sexualities: Straight and 'Political Agenda'

These reviews are actually hilarious:

"game is beautiful,great graphics...but story ...trash trash and one more trash

What was his score?

0 out of 10

There's only 2 races: White and 'Political Agenda'
2 Genders: Male and 'Political Agenda'
2 Hairstyles for female characters: Long and 'Political Agenda'
2 Sexualities: Straight and 'Political Agenda'

Nate4Drake said:
Immersiveunreality said:

And the political build up left and right because of the leaks did not do any good either,will give you some people thinking the game is a gift from god and others thinking it is pure hellspawn. Extreme dualism and no inbetweens allowed ! :p

Why you don't play the Game and leave for a second all this nonsense ? I'm just curious.

Because it is not a game i would like to play,can i still form an opinion on why it might have flaws or try to understand others opinion on it or not or do you think it is always more logical to call everyone haters or fanboy when they do not share your views ?

These kind of games stress me out same as a resident evil would do but i do enjoy watching others play it.

Bolded: I'm commenting on what i see of the game and this game had political buildup mostly by the social media community like youtube,thats seems to have added negativity too.

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The review bombing was a certainty. This game was made exclusively to please resetera crowd.

F0DA_SE said:

The review bombing was a certainty. This game was made exclusively to please resetera crowd.

Are you sure about that or just saying?

F0DA_SE said:

The review bombing was a certainty. This game was made exclusively to please resetera crowd.

sounds like more games should go that route then, as it seems we'd get more masterpieces to play in that case

I don't really care about the game, but I just wanted to say that banning a certain theme that could be somewhat relevant about the title in question is not fair for anyone. If there is an aspect that might have influenced the creation of the game and its story, I think people should be allowed to discuss it (obviously with respect, no spoilers and with no harmful intentions). I know that you have done it in order to prevent harmful behaviours among certain users, but by forbidding what might be relevant information about the game you are making the opinions about the game unbalanced, because you are negating some arguments for the people who might have dislike the game or might have some negative things to say about it.

ArchangelMadzz said:
These reviews are actually hilarious:

"game is beautiful,great graphics...but story ...trash trash and one more trash

What was his score?

0 out of 10

Death Stranding

Which personally I think is stupid, because unless Metacritic does it with every game, it becomes bias towards Metacritic's balance. Nitpicking some games to fair up the scores and not to others is a poor way of showing fairness. Just my opinion. 

Google: Metacritic, the video game review and rating aggregator website, recently deleted about 6,000 negative user ratings for Death Stranding, bumping up the score for the latest Hideo Kojima game.

^ That just doesn't sit right with me, Kojima gets a special service all of a sudden.

Last edited by Bonzinga - on 19 June 2020