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Forums - Sales Discussion - COMG! Japan Pre-Order Chart

Monster hunter is still rather slow, at that rate it won't even beat Smash and Splatoon. Hope it goes pokemon on the next 2 days and next weekend, otherwise it won't break the record for the Switch.

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Bofferbrauer2 said:

Monster hunter is still rather slow, at that rate it won't even beat Smash and Splatoon. Hope it goes pokemon on the next 2 days and next weekend, otherwise it won't break the record for the Switch.

It only needs to do around 10 points per day to beat splatoon, so it seems very possible at the moment 

Famicom Detective Club is slowly gaining up point two months away from release. Could we be looking at a possible sleeper hit?

Switch Friend Code: SW - 1286-0025-9138

pikashoe said:
Bofferbrauer2 said:

Monster hunter is still rather slow, at that rate it won't even beat Smash and Splatoon. Hope it goes pokemon on the next 2 days and next weekend, otherwise it won't break the record for the Switch.

It only needs to do around 10 points per day to beat splatoon, so it seems very possible at the moment 

Forgot to add the double pack, my bad!

Stuart23 said:

Famicom Detective Club is slowly gaining up point two months away from release. Could we be looking at a possible sleeper hit?

The GBA games sold 65-70k each, so I'm not sure it'd be considered a sleeper?

Around the Network
Bofferbrauer2 said:

Monster hunter is still rather slow, at that rate it won't even beat Smash and Splatoon. Hope it goes pokemon on the next 2 days and next weekend, otherwise it won't break the record for the Switch.

I reckon most are buying the game digitally, due to the currect circumstances, and the nature of the platform. This will be GIGANTIC.

tbone51 said:

When are we getting 50p day :(

Close enough eh? :)

There it is

Where did THAT come from?

Mbolibombo said:
tbone51 said:

When are we getting 50p day :(

Close enough eh? :)

I had to jinx it but I’ll take it lmao