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Forums - Sales Discussion - COMG! Japan Pre-Order Chart

Monster Hunter Rise finally rising. Not bad :)

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DaAndy said:

Monster Hunter Rise finally rising. Not bad :)

I Wonder if MH Rise have another name before, Monster Hunter 5. And because of MHWorld Sucess Capcom change the name.

Does anyone have the archive in points (pre orders)? I can’t find it. I know there use to be one for us to access

Another +16 for Rise, hopefully it can make up lost ground and pass World in spite of COMG seemingly having declined over recent years.

We're almost rid of the 2 point mafia... until next week, where they are sure to show up

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Mar1217 said:
Bofferbrauer2 said:

We're almost rid of the 2 point mafia... until next week, where they are sure to show up

However will the 1 point cult show it's ugly head, this is what's important !

I think there were too many 2 point games with longer release dates for them showing up.

MHR pulling through even on week days. It's on

Story of seasons and Rune factory 5 do very well, both will enter the Switch third party top 10 for sure. RF5 will probably even become one of the top 3 titles in that list, even counting MHR.

Good day!!!

The two point mob has been banished, at least for a few days.