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Forums - Sales Discussion - COMG! Japan Pre-Order Chart

It's definitely not going to be a Muramasa moment, where the late port on Vita sold more than the original release on Wii did in Japan. It'll sell fine though. No need to say it'll flop. It has been hanging in the top 10-15 on Amazon Japan for most of its release week.

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Ended up being hard to find 13 Sentinels on release in Australia.
Wasn’t that surprised to see it noticeably higher priced, but I couldn’t find any of the better priced copies left in my entire region during the mid afternoon.
Only found $100 AUD copies in my region and couldn’t be bothered to ask family members to pick it up at that price.
$100 is about what I paid for Ring Fit when it was popular. Everything else on Switch has been $69 AUD or lower.

Playstation invasion today with 4 new entries

Two weeks to go, looks like Nintendo picked up the ad campaign for Switch Sports.

Well there you go. The Switch Sports pre-order hype has finally arrived.
I wasn’t sure if it was going to happen.

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Switch Sports is gonna be big.

That was quite a healthy weekend.

The biggest surprise for me is Mario Kart 8 DX having slow Easter sales at COMG.
It’s normally a week that can almost double weekly game sales if it’s the right title at the right time.

Easter boost looks like it gives Switch Sports a chance at a decent start so it can establish itself as an evergreen.
60 points would set it up well.

Golden week is the big holiday in Japan, that is when MK8DX will have a boost.

Nintendo switch Sports starts bowling everyone away