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Forums - Sales Discussion - COMG! Japan Pre-Order Chart

Not much to release within the next weeks apart from Yu-Gi-Oh!, I expected a lot more releases for Obon week

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Yu-Gi-Oh! got another point. Nice!

A good little bump for Tales. The next Powapro Switch baseball game shot up pre-order chart on Amazon yesterday. Wouldn't be surprised to see it show up on the COMG chart this weekend.

Dat DLC swimsuit video boost ToArise.

Metroid barely manages to stay charted

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Is Tales of Arise releasing on Xbox on Japan? With how Xbox is selling lately, we might see it getting on the table in 4 weeks time.


Is Tales of Arise releasing on Xbox on Japan? With how Xbox is selling lately, we might see it getting on the table in 4 weeks time.

Funniest post to start the week I've seen in a long time (and your profile pic makes it funnier). Whether it releases on Xbox in Japan is irrelevant. No platform/console with a history of selling 1,000 units per week with an install base of less than 100k (currently 69k) is getting a physical release in Japan unless (you're crazy enough to do it or) its a 1st party game by MS.

Final Fantasy is historically one of the biggest 3rd party games in games in Japan. The numbered titles sell over 1m in Japan on PlayStation (to this day), even though the series has been on a decline yet still sells 1 million.

FF XV released physically on PS4 and Xbox One. The Xbox One had an install base of 71k. Series is at 69k right now.

The PS4 version sold 694k while the Xbox version sold 3k. This was a rare Tuesday release (November 29) in Japan (normally Thursday or Friday), so sales were even more front loaded and it still only sold 3k. According to Famitsu, it (Xbox) sold 60-80% of its stock. By the end of the year, PS4 version sold 884k while Xbox sold 4k. Kingdom Hearts, another million seller in Japan, did not have KH3 release physically on Xbox in Japan because SE knew it was a waste of time due to their bigger FF series bombing on the that platform.

Tales of has never been a million seller in Japan. The highest was Destiny at around 800k. The games after that declined in sales to about 200-300k during the PS4 gen (going off memory, but it doesn't matter since that's the area).

If FF XV, a numbered title from the popular FF series did 4k on Xbox, and KH3 did not release physically on Xbox, why would Bamco, a smaller publisher, release Tales of, a smaller game series that has never sold 1m in Japan, physically on Xbox during the current state of Japan?

If you're seriously expecting (and you are because the post exists) to see Tales of Arise in the charts because Series is selling a little better lately, it will only be in your dreams. In regards to COMG and Japan, Its PS4/5 physically in Japan.

Last edited by Rob5VGC - on 08 August 2021

Wow, Olympic baseball throughout the week did not help Pro Baseball Spirits do anything at COMG.

Minecraft topping the sales charts in 2021. Didn't see that one coming

Bofferbrauer2 said:

Minecraft topping the sales charts in 2021. Didn't see that one coming

People laughed when I said it will surpass 5 million in Japan(with digital it's probably getting close) :) 
Even after Switch 2 launches Minecraft will continue to top the charts.. its eternal  

Last edited by noshten - on 09 August 2021