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Forums - General Discussion - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Discussion Thread

dx11332sega said:
My friend carlos is worried abouy the virus he thinks the virus is like cancer can be cured then 2 years later come back like it if were liver cancer or something , tell him it'll go away

Ive read that there's been cases of it returning bCk in cured patients. 

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EricHiggin said:
padib said:

For example, in Italy, people over a certain age are being refused respiratory systems because the young are being prioritized.

wtf padib? Of course you have a source for this...

jason1637 said:
dx11332sega said:
My friend carlos is worried abouy the virus he thinks the virus is like cancer can be cured then 2 years later come back like it if were liver cancer or something , tell him it'll go away

Ive read that there's been cases of it returning bCk in cured patients. 

from what I read it just showed up again in trace amounts in cured patients days after they stopped using anti-viral meds indicating that the anti-virals actually suppress the activity of the virus, but also that cured people have a low chance to infect others for a while after feeling fit again (like the researchers expected) as it takes the body quite a while to destroy all of them

dx11332sega said:
My friend carlos is worried abouy the virus he thinks the virus is like cancer can be cured then 2 years later come back like it if were liver cancer or something , tell him it'll go away

That's pretty rare for a virus.  Typically once your body fights off a virus effectively, it is able to make antibodies to fight it if it comes back.  It's generally rare to get the same strain a second time.  That's why vaccines work.  Cancer is an entirely different type disease.  

John2290 said:
We've raised a world of psychopaths. Hoards of people on twitter are praising the virus for cleansing the Earth and taking action against climate change, then there is the people hoping Donald Trump has it and the fuckers eho are telling everyone we should let the old die from the virus and keep on chugging as normal... throw them in the ditches I guess, all the millions of them. I'm done, what the fuck is the point with people as sick as this.

Further goes to show that the idea of a common enemy forcing humanity to come together is but a fantasy. Have any links to those tweets, I'm always down for a good laugh.

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Over 800 new cases yesterday in the US. 2 days ago there were under 400 new cases.

jason1637 said:
Over 800 new cases yesterday in the US. 2 days ago there were under 400 new cases.

That is not really surprising. There is one western nation that is particularly badly prepared for a virus outbreak. I'll let you guess which one but as a hint it is a country that produces endless numbers of tv series with virus plagues and, inevitably, zombies galore.

drkohler said:
jason1637 said:
Over 800 new cases yesterday in the US. 2 days ago there were under 400 new cases.

That is not really surprising. There is one western nation that is particularly badly prepared for a virus outbreak. I'll let you guess which one but as a hint it is a country that produces endless numbers of tv series with virus plagues and, inevitably, zombies galore.

Yes yes, the U.S. is especially stupid and dumb, I wont even defend my own country, but it's still better than most places. I don't fear death if I actually do wind up getting the virus like I probably would if I were living in Africa or the Middle East.

SvennoJ said:
vivster said:

The swine flu infected about 1 billion people and was found to be less severe than the seasonal flu. That is despite being much more aggressive towards healthy and younger people. You really expect this to be worse? This virus that is incredibly weak to a normal immune system and can be fought with soap?

Did you read the link?

Myth: You're waaaay less likely to get this than the flu 

Not necessarily. To estimate how easily a virus spreads, scientists calculate its "basic reproduction number," or R0 (pronounced R-nought). R0 predicts the number of people who can catch a given bug from a single infected person, Live Science previously reported. Currently, the R0 for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes the disease COVID-19, is estimated at about 2.2, meaning a single infected person will infect about 2.2 others, on average. By comparison, the flu has an R0 of 1.3. 

Myth: The coronavirus is less deadly than the flu

So far, it appears the coronavirus is more deadly than the flu. However, there's still a lot of uncertainty around the mortality rate of the virus. The annual flu typically has a mortality rate of around 0.1% in the U.S. So far, there's a 0.05% mortality rate among those who caught the flu virus in the U.S. this year, according to the CDC.

In comparison, recent data suggests that COVID-19 has a mortality rate more than 20 times higher, of around 2.3%, according to a study published Feb. 18 by the China CDC Weekly. The death rate varied by different factors such as location and an individual's age, according to a previous Live Science report

But these numbers are continuously evolving and may not represent the actual mortality rate. It's not clear if the case counts in China are accurately documented, especially since they shifted the way they defined cases midway through, according to STAT News. There could be many mild or asymptomatic cases that weren't counted in the total sample size, they wrote. 

There could be many more mild cases around that skew the current death rate estimates, but that won't make it any better, probably even worse, since that means it has spread far further already. The death rate also depends on the availability of respirators to keep people alive. The critical care rate is still very high. (9%)

I read the points and nothing of that was new information, nor has it any impact. If you read between the lines you can see that in the end it will be about as severe as a normal seasonal flu. The simple fact that it is so infectious alone makes any reported number a joke. The virus is already way more far spread, which means the actual death rate is way lower. And if you take into account who is actually dying from it, i.e. people who would've died from a normal flu just as well, it brings things into perspective.

It might be slightly more infectious than the flu, but that is easily made up by the fact that it's so much weaker.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

CaptainExplosion said:

Kenneth Copeland claims he can cure people of the virus through TV.

I hope he's exposed and they lock the bastard up for life.

Would be a huge hypocrisy to do that.