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Forums - General Discussion - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Discussion Thread

Jumpin said:

Jesus Christ, US!

Yesterday's death toll: +2,670
Today's death toll, so far: +2,828

Well, it's not like the Europe is doing much better, but I thought you guys were done Covid?

The USA was 1,485 deaths 'behind' from Thanks giving delayed reporting.
They made up 1,310 so far compared to last week, so actually, deaths are still a little bit down.

It was trending up though but not as dramatic as the catch up numbers suggest. It will take a week before the Thanksgiving 'disruption' works through the system and then we'll see the effect of Thanksgiving and Black Friday :/

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JRPGfan said:
craighopkins said:

Both Trump and Biden are both puppets. They will leave Trump in just to piss people off. The stage is being set for the new world order and the antichrist. The vaccines will be pushed worldwide. Bill gates with his evil Smirk said on the news "we will vaccine the whole world." The Mark of the Beast spoken about in the Holy Bible is coming.

Revelation 3:10 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.

*face palm*

HAHAHAHAHA (out loud).

I'm going to add a visual aid to your post

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

craighopkins said:

JRPGfan you have over 17k posts on here and joined 2015... Put some of the time into reading the Bible and using your brain please. Atleast do some research before attacking my post.

Exactly how will they just leave Trump in office.  Sounds like you need to do more research into USA politics.   The only way Trump can win is if states try to ignore the votes and appoint electors opposite of what their state citizens voted.  That hasn't happened in a long time and is unprecedented in the 20th and 21 century.

As with the rest of your post.  I agree with you.   Humans are the virus on this planet and Bill Gates is trying to save as many humans as possible which makes him doing the bidding of the antichrist.

Weekly update. Reported cases and deaths are still rising over all.

Last week there were 4.24 million new cases reported (up from 4.07 million) to a total of 66.2 million cases world wide.
75,263 more deaths were reported (up from 71,478) bringing the total to 1,523,556

The USA passed Europe at the end of the week while Europe's reported deaths peak.
USA numbers are a bit inflated this week as recovery from under reporting around Thanks giving, however the rising trend continues.

The continents

North America reported 1.46 million new cases last week (up from 1.31 million) and 19,512 more deaths (up from 15,848)
Europe reported 1.36 million new cases last week (down from 1.50 million) and 34,309 more deaths (down from 34,407)
Asia reported 878K new cases last week (up from 807K) and 11,750 more deaths (down from 11,960)
South America reported 446K new cases last week (up from 361K) and 7,672 more deaths (up from 7,100)
Africa reported 97.9K new cases last week (up from 93.7K) and 2,013 more deaths (down from 2,156)
Oceania reported 1,143 new cases last week (down from 1,283) and 7 deaths (10 last week)

Corners of the world

USA reported 1.32 million new cases last week (up from 1.18 million) and 14,521 more deaths (up from 10,741)
Brazil reported 297K new cases last week (up from 218K) and 3,983 more deaths (up from 3,336)
India reported 257K new cases last week (down from 301K) and 3,498 more deaths (3,474 last week)
Iran reported 94.4K new cases last week (up from 94.0K) and 2,600 more deaths (down from 3,199)

Canada reported 43.5K new cases last week (up from 38.3K) and 602 deaths (560 last week)
South Africa reported 23.8K new cases last week (up from 19.2K) and 585 deaths (619 last week)
Japan reported 15.7K new cases last week (up from 14.2K) and 189 deaths (108 last week)
South Korea reported 3.45K new cases last week (up from 2.87K) and 20 deaths (15 last week)

Australia broke its clean streak with 1 death last week but is still mostly Covid free.

Europe in detail

Russia is back at the top, some are recovering faster than others.

I wonder when we'll see the effect of the vaccines. I guess the death rate will plummet first as the most vulnerable will be vaccinated first.

Seems the scientists who said in Summer that we are merely at the beginning of the pandemic were right. Now that winder is coming it's gonna get so much worse. Shouldn't be long until the US gets two 9/11s per day. Wonder how much of an impact it will have when more than 1% of the US will be wiped out due to a preventable desease.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Around the Network

The insanity of the US in their data suppression of Covid stats. It makes you wonder how many tens of thousands more have died of Covid in the US. Literally pulling out guns on women and children. How much is it actually in the US? 400,000? 500,000? We don't even know because they're literally using assault forces to suppress information.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

vivster said:

Seems the scientists who said in Summer that we are merely at the beginning of the pandemic were right. Now that winder is coming it's gonna get so much worse. Shouldn't be long until the US gets two 9/11s per day. Wonder how much of an impact it will have when more than 1% of the US will be wiped out due to a preventable desease.

A historian could have said the same thing.  You just have to look at 1918 flu and see that the fall/winter was worse than the spring.  All that wishing about it disappearing or being right around corner was complete bullshit.   Obviously they either ignored the history of 1918 flu or were completely oblivious.   I would say Trump was oblivious because he doesn't know shit about history.  He thought there were airfields in the revolutionary war.

Margaret Keenan, of Coventry, becomes the first person to be vaccinated (outside of trials and with vaccine that has cleared them) against covid-19 as the UK begins its rollout of Pfizer's shot:

Last edited by curl-6 - on 08 December 2020

vivster said:

Seems the scientists who said in Summer that we are merely at the beginning of the pandemic were right. Now that winder is coming it's gonna get so much worse. Shouldn't be long until the US gets two 9/11s per day. Wonder how much of an impact it will have when more than 1% of the US will be wiped out due to a preventable desease.

Doubt that's gonna happen given the IFR is around 0.3%. In early spring based on SK data people were estimating an IFR of 0.2-0.4% and that did turn out to be the case. I could see maybe 1 million dying from it nation wide when all is said and done. Think annually around 2.8 million people die "normally" so that gives a bit of perspective.

Probably the reason why many people are brushing it off. You have Old fatties like Trump being back in action a week later thanks to early administration of therapeutics(polyclonal ABs,roids) though someone of his age/comorbidities only had a 5% chance of death to begin with.

And if you are young, the virus seems for the most part to be a nothing burger unless you are unlucky, unhealthy etc...

"Tens of thousands of new coronavirus cases continue to emerge on college campuses. A New York Times survey of more than 1,900 American colleges and universities — including every four-year public institution and every private college that competes in N.C.A.A. sports — has revealed more than 321,000 cases and at least 80 deaths since the pandemic began.

Most of the cases have been announced since students returned to campus for the fall term. Most of the deaths were reported in the spring and involved college employees, not students. But at least four students have died in recent weeks after contracting the virus."

The virus is odd, you just never know how it's gonna hit someone. 70-yr-old cancer lady shedding it for 70 days while being asymptomatic the whole time.

"The 71-year-old was infected for at least 105 days overall, but had no symptoms, according to a new report.

This unusual case involved a woman with leukemia and a low antibody count who was infected early in the pandemic. The case study was published Nov. 4 in the journal Cell.

As far as he knows, this is the longest case of a person being infected with the new coronavirus and having no symptoms, said senior author Vincent Munster, a virologist at the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases."