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Forums - General Discussion - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Discussion Thread

John2290 said:
We could create a fuex war economy where we fight with drones and automated viehicals, maybe robots. It'd provife people with work en mass and no one needs to get hurt in the process. A big old game of ww3, laser tag with robots until the vaccines come through safely so we can keep the economy primed for a reccession and avoid depression... I'm only half joking.

Wouldn't it be better if we just play CoD or Mario Kart instead?

Nov 2016 - NES outsells PS1 (JP)

Don't Play Stationary 4 ever. Switch!

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Ka-pi96 said:
JRPGfan said:

We cant all just get tested for vitamin levels, now (waste of lab capacity).
Some places its like ~50% of the population that suffer from deficencies.

He does say "just take it anyways".
He himself takes it, and recammends others to "just take it".

"Again, don't get me wrong.  For those that need it, take it. But if you're already getting an adequate level (or already reasonably healthy to begin with), a supplement won't be of benefit."

The thing is so many people actually have this issue (its so common), that the reality is its easier to just say "everyone take this pill".
Those that barely lack anything, like you said it would just end up in their urine.

Imagine gathering 100 people.
Testing them for vitamin levels, and finding out 50 of them need a suppliment.
Then giveing those 50 the suppliment.

It might be easier, faster, cheaper... to just give all 100 a pill.

Easier? Faster? Cheaper?

Meh, they don't care about those. The one thing the people recommending that kind of stuff care about is that it will be more profitable. Selling your product to 100 people will generate you more revenue than only selling it to 50.

Look at this:

Insoficient levels of Vitamin D = 7.6 times more likely to die to Covid19.
Deficient levels of Vitamin D = 10,1 times more likely to die to Covid19.

If doctors are like "we saw this study, and we now recammend takeing suppliments of vitamin D" (and they say they themselves started doing so).

Would you listen? or just go "meh I probably dont need it anyways".

"Meh, they don't care about those. The one thing the people recommending that kind of stuff care about is that it will be more profitable. Selling your product to 100 people will generate you more revenue than only selling it to 50."

Let them. Give everyone the pill imo.
How much does it cost to give every person a bottle of vitimain D pills suppliment?
If you could cut down the amount of people that need hospital care, or ICU treatment or just the number that actually die to covid19... I'm pretty sure thats a worthwhile investment.

Basically think of it as a Preventive measure.
Give it to people now, when they get sick, it ll likely pay itself back many times over, by lessend need for hospital care.

Basically if I was in goverment decideing....

1) Mask must be worn by everyone while outsides (and work)
(reduces spread, and serverity of infections (lower dose when getting infected = better outcome)).

2) Every household gets sent a bottle of Vitamin D suppliment, and asked to take one a day.
(reduces infection chances, helps recovery speed if you do get it, and the outcomes of infections)

3) Borders basically need to be kept closed. Everyone comeing in needs to be quarantined somewhere for a week (by force) and then tested for Covid19, if they prove positive, they get another week in quarantine before being tested again.  This is more for countries where the outbreak is under controll, if you want to allow people to go across borders.

Masks + hand sanitsers at shop entrances, should help reduce likely hood of spread when your out shopping.
That ontop of keeping good distances in lines ect..... these things are the new normal (for a year or two).

In this video it says over 30ng/mL as "normal" levels.
John Campbell says you should aim for over 50ng/mL.

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 05 May 2020

So Vitamin D now.. OK get out more in the sunshine without overly covering up and stop with the sunscreen, the darker you are the more sun you need, nature provides, let it

Rab said:
So Vitamin D now.. OK get out more in the sunshine without overly covering up and stop with the sunscreen, the darker you are the more sun you need, nature provides, let it

Just taking vitamin D is definitely not recommended (serious kidney damage if too much). Any MD who says "just take it" is an idiot.

John2290 said:
Pyro as Bill said:

Wouldn't it be better if we just play CoD or Mario Kart instead?

If we could build an economy large enough to uphold the world around people playing video games it would obviously be the first choice but there just isn't enough to it. Building robots to fight each other is the only safe option, get some R&D going and have them powered with enough petrol to cover the people not driving, maybe make their default weapon a petrol flamethrower along with some petrol grenades and some petrol bullets, perhaps some petrol carpet bombing.

So the only way to keep everyone employed is by ploughing trillions into R+D'ing automation thereby bringing about or speeding up the day when robots steal all our jobs?

Nov 2016 - NES outsells PS1 (JP)

Don't Play Stationary 4 ever. Switch!

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drkohler said:
Rab said:
So Vitamin D now.. OK get out more in the sunshine without overly covering up and stop with the sunscreen, the darker you are the more sun you need, nature provides, let it

Just taking vitamin D is definitely not recommended (serious kidney damage if too much). Any MD who says "just take it" is an idiot.

The idea is to not take too much (stay under dangerous levels) but still at normal or slightly above levels.

^ watch from 18 mins onwards.

Normal levels is over 30ng/mL.
John Campbell says get over 50ng/mL.

Now these arnt "dangerous" levels that should damage your kidneys, drkohler.

What they will do is make you less likely to get a infection, recover like 7 times faster (with less overall damage taken), and be 10 times less likely to die to covid19.

"Any MD who says "just take it" is an idiot." - drkohler.

Covid19 can potentially kill millions of people.
if you can reduce the amount that die by a factor of 10, by makeing sure everyone has sufficent amounts of vitamin D... why wouldnt you?

100 people dieing from covid19 would turn into 10 people dieing.
If you made sure everyone had vitamin D suppliments.

Scale that up into the millions, and the amount of lives you could save by giveing people a suppliment of vitamins is insane.

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 05 May 2020

Another reason to open up the green spaces and create more while we're going through this. Let people safely spend more time outside, good for mental health, vitamin D, and physical health as well. NY gets it, opening up more pedestrian places.

In Toronto one of the supermarket chains now require you to wear masks to go in the store. They don't provide them though, so some people simply go shop somewhere else.
The effectiveness is still in question as many people don't know how to properly wear them and not to touch them. For example, not covering the nose or adjusting it while shopping.

Better news, a Company in Vancouver is working on making anti bodies to help treat the disease

Using blood samples from one of the first recovered COVID-19 patients in the United States on Feb. 25, AbCellera began screening millions of cells. It narrowed down 500 unique human antibodies against the virus to a set of 24 that showed high promise of being therapeutic, he said. "More recently we have further refined that set to a single antibody that is now being manufactured with the objective of having a first in-human trial start in July," Hansen said.

There are benefits and drawbacks. On one hand, prophylactics create more immediate protection because there's no waiting period for the body to create its own antibodies. It's also more broadly effective, because not all patients' immune systems may be up to the task of producing their own antibodies.

On the other hand, a substantial number of antibodies must be administered to the patient in order to protect them. "What that means is that the ability to manufacture hundreds of millions or even a billion doses of a vaccine is something well within the realm of possibility today. Making that many doses of antibodies is not," he said. That would mean giving the antibody to select groups of people at risk, such as health workers or the elderly, Hansen said.

Ka-pi96 said:
JRPGfan said:

If doctors are like "we saw this study, and we now recammend takeing suppliments of vitamin D" (and they say they themselves started doing so).

Would you listen? or just go "meh I probably dont need it anyways".

Neither. I'd go "wow, those are some brazen snake oil salesmen". I'd also be incredibly disappointed if any of my tax money were to be wasted on crap like that.

A daily dose of Vit D costs about a penny.

Nov 2016 - NES outsells PS1 (JP)

Don't Play Stationary 4 ever. Switch!

SvennoJ said:

Btw is this true?

Still, on the most basic of measures, Sweden is faring worse than its more-locked-down neighbours: Norway has reported 30 deaths per million population, Denmark 58, and Sweden 139. As the National Post’s Colby Cosh noted earlier in the week, Anders Tegnell, Sweden’s epidemiologist-in-chief, defends this as a failure not of the approach, but of component systems: It turns out Swedish nursing homes are fantastically vulnerable to COVID-19 outbreaks, just like ours. Somali immigrants are hugely over-represented among the infected. Tegnell suggested this was because they’re not doing the things public health officials are asking them to do, because they’re poorly integrated into Swedish society. (Swedes don’t need to be ordered around, because they are so trustful of officialdom, and of each other, that a kind request is all that’s needed — or so the story goes.)

(Just some garbage google came up with, recommending a link to covid19 coming from a lab again lol)

It's true that our attempts at isolating nursing homes has failed, and it's one important factor that contributes to our relatively high deathrate. In Stockholm 212 out of 400 nursing homes had confirmed cases of Covid-19 as of 4 May.

It's also true that Swedes born in Somalia are overrepresented when it comes to infections. As of 17 April the numbers looked like this:

Place of Birth Number of cases Overrepresentation
Somalia 283 7
Turkey 150 5.1
Iraq 242 2.9
Finland 188 2.3
Eritrea 55 2.1
Syria 197 1.8
Iran 83 1.8
Former Yugoslavia 60 1.6

Integration is probably part of the explanation, but it's also important to note that people from these groups are more likely to live in high-density areas.

Ka-pi96 said:
JRPGfan said:

If doctors are like "we saw this study, and we now recammend takeing suppliments of vitamin D" (and they say they themselves started doing so).

Would you listen? or just go "meh I probably dont need it anyways".

Neither. I'd go "wow, those are some brazen snake oil salesmen".
I'd also be incredibly disappointed if any of my tax money were to be wasted on crap like that.

Vitamins arnt snake oil.... they do infact do things to the body that are helpfull (this is proven beyound a doubt), and likewise a lack of such.

Now theres a study that shows your 10 times more likely to die, if you lack vitamin D, to Covid19.

"I'd also be incredibly disappointed if any of my tax money were to be wasted on crap like that."

But its fine, if you spent tax money getting 29million doses of hydroxychloroquine, without knowing if it worked on covid19?
Trump actually bought that, only to lateron find out it actually makes things worse for those infected.

Trump also ordered for 69million USD, of ventilators after getting a tweet offering to sell him ventilators.
They havnt gotten a single unit yet, of those.

But sending every home a bottle of vitamin D suppliments would be a waste of tax money?