Ka-pi96 said:
Neither. I'd go "wow, those are some brazen snake oil salesmen". |
Vitamins arnt snake oil.... they do infact do things to the body that are helpfull (this is proven beyound a doubt), and likewise a lack of such.
Now theres a study that shows your 10 times more likely to die, if you lack vitamin D, to Covid19.
"I'd also be incredibly disappointed if any of my tax money were to be wasted on crap like that."
But its fine, if you spent tax money getting 29million doses of hydroxychloroquine, without knowing if it worked on covid19?
Trump actually bought that, only to lateron find out it actually makes things worse for those infected.
Trump also ordered for 69million USD, of ventilators after getting a tweet offering to sell him ventilators.
They havnt gotten a single unit yet, of those.
But sending every home a bottle of vitamin D suppliments would be a waste of tax money?