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Another reason to open up the green spaces and create more while we're going through this. Let people safely spend more time outside, good for mental health, vitamin D, and physical health as well. NY gets it, opening up more pedestrian places.

In Toronto one of the supermarket chains now require you to wear masks to go in the store. They don't provide them though, so some people simply go shop somewhere else.
The effectiveness is still in question as many people don't know how to properly wear them and not to touch them. For example, not covering the nose or adjusting it while shopping.

Better news, a Company in Vancouver is working on making anti bodies to help treat the disease

Using blood samples from one of the first recovered COVID-19 patients in the United States on Feb. 25, AbCellera began screening millions of cells. It narrowed down 500 unique human antibodies against the virus to a set of 24 that showed high promise of being therapeutic, he said. "More recently we have further refined that set to a single antibody that is now being manufactured with the objective of having a first in-human trial start in July," Hansen said.

There are benefits and drawbacks. On one hand, prophylactics create more immediate protection because there's no waiting period for the body to create its own antibodies. It's also more broadly effective, because not all patients' immune systems may be up to the task of producing their own antibodies.

On the other hand, a substantial number of antibodies must be administered to the patient in order to protect them. "What that means is that the ability to manufacture hundreds of millions or even a billion doses of a vaccine is something well within the realm of possibility today. Making that many doses of antibodies is not," he said. That would mean giving the antibody to select groups of people at risk, such as health workers or the elderly, Hansen said.