Mnementh said:
I think nobody should sit on their hands and to expect an election to fall to them on their own. I shared this article, because I think it is interesting, not because I think we should spread SARS-2 to get Trump out of office. |
Well she did win popular vote she was one of most hated and vilified among Republicans. Didnt help the Bernie Bros didn't show up to vote. I put blame on black vote though.
Blacks didn't show up for shit in 2016. They either didn't vote or were suppressed by Republican efforts. There is a reason why I can go early vote with any wait time then you look at election day and see lines in minority districts. Republicans want to make it as difficult to vote for classes they gave up.
Why do think Republicans are afraid of voting by mail. It isn't fraud. They are worried they'll be voted out of office.
Actually I really blame the electoral college. The electoral college can go fuck itself. If states distributed the votes proportionally then it would be fine.
Electoral college + winner takes all = we are all screwed
Last edited by sethnintendo - on 25 April 2020