John2290 said:
Oil Prices are in the negative. This is worse than the the fucking Virus by a mile. We've fucked ourselves, the war economies are coming.
Relax this isnt the end of the world.
Remember all the times the USA f***ed with russia and saudi arabia and their economy?
This is "payback" so to say, the pricewars from them, are obviously done on purpose,
because the "american" way to produce oil is more expensive (shale and fracking).
So why are they doing this now?
Because its gonna hurt the american economy and jobs in the US. (more than it does them)
Thats all this will mean.
Some oil companies in the US will close down, and that ll be it, things will go back to normal at some point.
(the rich with stock invested, will lose that)
There wont be any wars faught over this.
So dont worry John2290 the sky isnt falling.
John2290 said:
Nighthawk117 said: John, what happens when the sky starts falling? Then were really fucked. |
Not if you wear a tinfoil hat.
C'mon, though. Honeslty, if ya can't see that we've already been decimated the moment thst virus got out of control, then you weren't looking. Their are very few paths out of this to minimise harm and stay somewhat intact and noone is following those balanced paths, aside from China, it's one extreme or the other and that isn't going to work. Like I've daid for weeks, this only leads to war, famine and other diseases with severe human loss unless we find that middle of the road path and walk it. There is only differing degrees of severity based on what we choose and no one is choosing the reasonable long term options. Listen to an expert in full on the health side and you're fucked, listen to an economic expert in full and act on their advice and you're fucked. There was a balanced path to keep the world protected and it's likely already slipped away. The damn sky started falling already, we're living on the last of the fumes at the bottom. Make the most of it.
Yes a recession is going to happend.
There wont be wars, (large scale) famine, ect. because of this pandemic.
"we're living on the last of the fumes at the bottom."
Its not yet that bad John.
However there will be alot of unemployment alot of places (around the world), US choose a "odd" route to go about protecting bussinesses and saw insane growths in that reguard. Rest of the world, shouldnt be as bad. It comes down to how the goverment tackles things.
Last edited by JRPGfan - on 20 April 2020