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Forums - General Discussion - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Discussion Thread

Is it time to start killing cats?

Can't be too careful in these uncertain times.

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jason1637 said:
An elderly couple from my church got the virus and are in the ICU. :-c

The irony..
Guess they lacked enough thoughts and prayers on facebook.

In all seriousness, if you ignore lockdown rules, place yourself in groups/gatherings... You are putting yourself at risk... And this is an example that not even the religious are immune, the virus doesn't discriminate.

Australia has closed down churches and church gatherings for that very reason.. Why hasn't the USA?

NightlyPoe said:

In theory, I don't disagree. However, I think that the administration is acknowledging the inefficiencies of the federal government itself. They feel more confident about being a backstop than controlling the whole supply chain. You can see in examples such as the whole testing snafu at the start that the federal government is good at tripping itself up. As for moving equipment around with flexibility, watching the daily presidential briefings, that is a part of their plan.

Also, for what it's worth, New York is never going to have 150,000 people hooked up to ventilators at the same time or anything even approaching that. Some of these big numbers are pretty crazy even in a worst-case scenario. Even the 40,000 Cuomo said he needed last week is way too high.

Edit: Just to give some data to that last statement. As of this morning, New York had 16,479 hospitalized and 4,376 patients in their ICUs total (I assume due to the virus) according to Cuomo's briefing. Presumably, people on ventilators makes up some percentage of the ICU patients.

Given that we're approaching the peak for New York, the ventilator crisis in that state seems vastly overblown.

Trump for months has downplayed the Coronavirus, saying it's a non-issue, they are on top of it, they have control of the situation... And obviously the flow-on effect to that is many agencies haven't bothered to prepare to the extent that they should have, the problem starts from the very very top.

Hopefully New York has hit a peak, but don't count your chickens before the eggs have hatched... This could continue on for another 6+ months, there might be more peaks to come and allot more people will certainly die before we have a viable vaccine in bulk.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

NightlyPoe said:
Pemalite said:

Trump for months has downplayed the Coronavirus, saying it's a non-issue, they are on top of it, they have control of the situation... And obviously the flow-on effect to that is many agencies haven't bothered to prepare to the extent that they should have, the problem starts from the very very top.

Hopefully New York has hit a peak, but don't count your chickens before the eggs have hatched... This could continue on for another 6+ months, there might be more peaks to come and allot more people will certainly die before we have a viable vaccine in bulk.

Unless there's a wave coming that is several times as bad as this one, the 40,000 number just isn't realistic.

And the rest is your just taking Trump out of context.  It's juvenile, petty politics and I don't have time for it on a serious thread.  Don't bother to dredge up the quotes, it'll just be a waste of both of our time when I counter with the full context.

Juvenile? Hardly. The guy deserves criticism for his inaction and downplaying for months... Which is responsible for deaths.

"You may have heard of the coronavirus which is very much under control in our country". - Says it all.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

NightlyPoe said:
Pemalite said:

Hopefully New York has hit a peak, but don't count your chickens before the eggs have hatched... This could continue on for another 6+ months, there might be more peaks to come and allot more people will certainly die before we have a viable vaccine in bulk.

Unless there's a wave coming that is several times as bad as this one, the 40,000 number just isn't realistic.

And the rest is your just taking Trump out of context.  It's juvenile, petty politics and I don't have time for it on a serious thread.  Don't bother to dredge up the quotes, it'll just be a waste of both of our time when I counter with the full context.

If new york is like most other places, the majority of the ICU cases are people on ventilators.
Right now thats only "4,376 patients in their ICUs" as someone said, earlier on.

Which is a far cry from the 40,000 worst case outcome their models showed.

However, alot of people have mild symptoms before, they turn bad enough they need a ventilator.
Think back a week or more ago, how many confirmed cases + hospitalised did New York state have then?

If this is the "peak" of new daily cases, and hospitalised,... then a week from now, should be the peak of ICU cases, and ventilators.
Then a week or two, following that, should be the "peak" of deaths.

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 05 April 2020

Pemalite said:
jason1637 said:
An elderly couple from my church got the virus and are in the ICU. :-c

The irony..
Guess they lacked enough thoughts and prayers on facebook.

In all seriousness, if you ignore lockdown rules, place yourself in groups/gatherings... You are putting yourself at risk... And this is an example that not even the religious are immune, the virus doesn't discriminate.

Australia has closed down churches and church gatherings for that very reason.. Why hasn't the USA?

The church was closed the 2nd week in March. They probably got it elsewhere. 

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I agree with Nightly. I hate Trump, and I mean hate him, I literally cried the day he won presidency. But the virus has really demonstrated how far people are willing to go to blame literally everything they can on Trump even when he could have done nothing more. Its ridiculous partisan bullshit.

Trump didn't handle the whole situation all that well but people here acting like their oh so perfect European countries have handled it any better are honestly hilarious.

newwil7l said:
I agree with Nightly. I hate Trump, and I mean hate him, I literally cried the day he won presidency. But the virus has really demonstrated how far people are willing to go to blame literally everything they can on Trump even when he could have done nothing more. Its ridiculous partisan bullshit.

Trump didn't handle the whole situation all that well but people here acting like their oh so perfect European countries have handled it any better are honestly hilarious.

Out of curiosity how do you hold both that "he could have done nothing more" and "Trump didn't handle the whole situation all that well"? 


Torillian said:
newwil7l said:
I agree with Nightly. I hate Trump, and I mean hate him, I literally cried the day he won presidency. But the virus has really demonstrated how far people are willing to go to blame literally everything they can on Trump even when he could have done nothing more. Its ridiculous partisan bullshit.

Trump didn't handle the whole situation all that well but people here acting like their oh so perfect European countries have handled it any better are honestly hilarious.

Out of curiosity how do you hold both that "he could have done nothing more" and "Trump didn't handle the whole situation all that well"? 

I said certain situations he could have done nothing more, but the overall crisis he could have handled better. 

newwil7l said:
Torillian said:

Out of curiosity how do you hold both that "he could have done nothing more" and "Trump didn't handle the whole situation all that well"? 

I said certain situations he could have done nothing more, but the overall crisis he could have handled better. 

mk, not how I read it but I guess it can be read in a way that that works. 


newwil7l said:
Trump didn't handle the whole situation all that well but people here acting like their oh so perfect European countries have handled it any better are honestly hilarious.

Its been appalling how they handled it.
Most of them were in agreement with a "herd immunity" buildup, earlyon and only reacted after things starting getting bad.

The crazy thing is, some still see it as the way forwards.
Just need a controlled rate of infection (so you dont overwhelm hospitals) and then slowly let its just infect more and more of the population, until you reach the rates where it goes away on its own.

Alternative is to wait like 12-18 months on a vaccine.
or slowly opening things up again, just to see it flair back up again in cycles, and be forced to shut things down again.