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Forums - General Discussion - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Discussion Thread

RolStoppable said:
JRPGfan said:

"Important numbers are how many of the infected have only mild or moderate symptoms and don't need to be hospitalized. If people got told every day that more than 90% of the infected are getting away easily, then more people would keep a cool head. But I guess it's easier to make people stay inside when you warp reality and instill a little fear."

I don't get what you have an issue with.

"People are getting paranoid"
"90% of the infected are getting away easily"

No people are takeing it seriously.  You shouldn't gamble your life or anothers, if you can avoid doing so?

Even if 90% get away scot free, more than enough will die to it, without people thinking their invincible.
(that ll never happend to me, I dont get sick ect... or I'm young, so even if I get it, it wont matter)

Theres 30' year olds on ventilators too.
Even if you never reach that point, getting sick with this thing can really suck.

Around the Network
vivster said:
Nighthawk117 said:

The American people trust the CDC more than any President. If the CDC is not allowed to report accurate numbers, or any numbers at all, then all hell would break loose here. 

Are we talking about the same CDC that people don't trust when it comes to something as simple as vaccinations?

Lol way to generalize.

RolStoppable said:
S.Peelman said:

I'm with you on that part.

That's actually quite annoying and is unnecessary fear-mongering. Here in the Netherlands there was this one guy, 39 or something, who was all over the news because he was on a ventilator while "he had always been so healthy". Meanwhile those 99.99% of the other people of his age that get off with just a mild cough are nowhere to be seen. The point is there's always outliers, the guy just had bad luck (or has an health issue he doesn't know about).

I've only been aware of that young German who returned home from his ski vacation in Austria and was put on a ventilator. Then they mentioned his age (55) and I facepalmed.

The news reporting really sucks. Almost always it's about total number of infections, increase to the day before, then number of deaths and increase to the day before. Given how many people are sitting at home these days, a ton of them is going to watch news on TV daily. When you get bombarded with that stuff all the time while important numbers keep getting omitted, then it's no surprise that more and more people are getting paranoid and buying up toilet paper, flour and whatever else seems necessary for survival.

Important numbers are how many of the infected have only mild or moderate symptoms and don't need to be hospitalized. If people got told every day that more than 90% of the infected are getting away easily, then more people would keep a cool head. But I guess it's easier to make people stay inside when you warp reality and instill a little fear.

Exactly, and the actual information is, here at least, readily available. The government publishes a document each day with updated numbers on infected, hospitalized, ICU needs and death each day, even broken down by gender, age, prior sickness, area of residence and whatever. Everything except ‘cured’ people, they don’t track that. Looking through this document really puts things into perspective, to not take the daily numbers from the media at face value. Then you’ll also see that those deaths that were reported this morning didn’t all happen yesterday but are rather more spread out over a number of past days.

Our media seems to have gotten a bit of mild critique about that a few days ago though, it seems they are wording things more carefully now.

RolStoppable said:

I've only been aware of that young German who returned home from his ski vacation in Austria and was put on a ventilator. Then they mentioned his age (55) and I facepalmed.

The news reporting really sucks. Almost always it's about total number of infections, increase to the day before, then number of deaths and increase to the day before. Given how many people are sitting at home these days, a ton of them is going to watch news on TV daily. When you get bombarded with that stuff all the time while important numbers keep getting omitted, then it's no surprise that more and more people are getting paranoid and buying up toilet paper, flour and whatever else seems necessary for survival.

Important numbers are how many of the infected have only mild or moderate symptoms and don't need to be hospitalized. If people got told every day that more than 90% of the infected are getting away easily, then more people would keep a cool head. But I guess it's easier to make people stay inside when you warp reality and instill a little fear.

News reporting always sucks. When here is a flood near you, you see the worst pictures on the news making your town look like a war zone. In reality it's a couple streets that are like that while 95% of the town is fine. The same applies here.

The real estimates are both reassuring and more scary. I don't know what's worse, the virus already being far more widespread or more lethal. The former is a lot more dangerous for my much at risk wife.

Comparing some of the estimates of the Imperial royal college for March 28th

            discovered infected    lower estimate   upper estimate
Austria        3,451                     31,759                  273,482
Belgium       9,134                   148,200                1,105,800
Denmark     2,201                     22,412                 173,693
France          37,575                 736,890               4,957,260
Germany     57,695                  245,812               1,490,220
Italy               92,472               1,935,360             15,724,800

They base the estimated true number of infections on estimated mortality rate combined with observed deaths. This is of course dependent on accurate recording of deaths and guess work what the actual mortality rate is. The lower/higher estimate are in the 95% credible interval, so a lot of guess work.

Also assuming it started as early as Januari 1st in Italy (80 days until March 28th), the lower estimate assumes a growth rate of 1.20x daily, the upper estimate 1.23x daily. Estimates upon estimates with a small difference in growth rates resulting in hugely different outcomes. Both btw more aggressive than the 1.164x growth rate based on R0 of 2.2 with medium incubation time of 5.2 days. But mean time to be infectious might be shorter and the reason they give for using a more aggressive growth model in the early stages is that the infection in Europe was imported, more seeds to start from which are already into their incubation period.

Anyway, what to make of these numbers, 10x to 80x more undetected cases with mild to no symptoms. Or from the closed cases in Italy, instead of 44% fatality rate, 2.1% to 0.26% fatality rate.

We simply do not know enough yet to make any accurate predictions :/

However the more widespread it actually is, the more important the measures are to slow it down. Although the upper estimate already has 26% of Italy infected, can only get 3x worse before it runs out of fuel to spread. Yet the lower estimate is 3.2% and it can still get 22x worse :/

Around the Network
JRPGfan said:
UK is seeing a drastic growth in deaths now.
Last few days its been 180-200 ish, and today its already over 380.

The overall numbers are drastic. Until March it was around 3000 dead. Now it's 40k+.

Hunting Season is done...

John2290 said:

Hmmm... Well, this is my bias confirmed. The WHO carry equal blame as China. Mere puppets.

WHO chief says widespread travel bans not needed to beat China virus

GENEVA (Reuters) - World Health Organization chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said on Monday there was no need for measures that “unnecessarily interfere with international travel and trade” in trying to halt the spread of a coronavirus that has killed 361 people in China.

Tedros, who held talks in Beijing a week ago with Chinese President Xi Jinping and other leaders, coughed and interrupted his speech to take a drink of water, quipping: “Don’t worry, it’s not corona”.

China’s delegate took the floor at the WHO Executive Board and denounced measures by “some countries” that have denied entry to people holding passports issued in Hubei province - at the center of the outbreak - and to deny visas and cancel flights. “All these measures are seriously against recommendation by the WHO,” said Li Song, who is China’s ambassador for disarmament at the United Nations in Geneva.

This is from early Feb, 2020. WHO can fuck themselves honestly. 

Apparently the guy in the video you shared is Bruce Aylward and he's the WHO assistant director, I would like an article on the list of lies told by China and parroted by the WHO since the beginning of the outbreak in Wahun. 

Last edited by LurkerJ - on 31 March 2020

Anyone saying China didn't have the biggest hand in this getting out of hand is deluding themselves. Obviously western governments failed too, and have a lot to answer for, but all of this could have been prevented had China and WHO not attempted to downplay the virus to avoid hurting the Chinese economy.

For some more positive news: Humble Bundle has opened a truly massive Bundle with tons of games, books and comics (as they say, $1071 worth of books and games), and all the income goes to medical organisations combating this pandemic. You're in for the low, low price of $28, but I really suggest to be a bit more generous if you can afford it.

John2290 said:
Any ideas lads as to why I'm paying morr for shopping? Everything produced inside ireland is the same price, hasn't changed but I piad two euro more for a bottle of a 500ml aloe vera drink made in South Korea, I didn't realize until I checked the reciepts today, among a few other items that are up a few cents but not to that degree. Is this just Supply demmand (I'm leaning towards right now cause some items are down in price) or is it from some effect of the boarders? Or just a few companies taking advantage? Inflation surely won't start for a few months down the road, right...

Probably because in the past, passenger airplanes also transported large amounts of other stuff in their trunks. Since those planes are not flying anymore, the pure cargo airlines have to take over, and there ain't too many of those left. As a result, the cargo airlines are overburdened, both with having urgent medical deliveries and then having to fly all the stuff passenger airlines where flying on top of that and their usual transports, resulting in a lot of extra flights which with passenger planes had otherwise been done anyway.

vivster said:
SvennoJ said:

What do you consider young and incredibly low. I consider anyone under 40 young nowadays lol.

Absolutely nothing to fear is a bit of a stretch. Driving all year gives you about a 0.6 / 18 = 0.033% chance to die in a car accident every year. (Estimate of getting in an accident once every 18 years based on car insurance data, about 0.6% of car accidents lead to one or more fatalities) Of course you have more control over your own fate while driving (and many minor collisions never get reported, so that estimate is also still high)

So yep, under 20, only 1 in 300 chance to have to go to the hospital and less deadly than driving. However a good chance you end up killing someone else by spreading it on :/

This is however good for a country like India where the average age is 28.

With 70% of the population getting infected still over 2 million people will die :( However that's less than the estimate for the US 2.2 million with only a quarter of the population.

Anyway in our western society, average retirement age is 62. A large part of the workforce can be effected, not just sick old people. 1 in 10 chance to end up in the hospital aren't good odds for your experienced staff.

I assume those numbers are based on confirmed cases. If we consider that especially among younger people there are way more unreported cases those numbers really are laughable for anyone under 40. Also not included in those stats are additional health issues like smoking, obesity asthma etc. Which brings down the hospitalization rate for young and healthy people down even further and the fatality rate close to zero. So pretty much what is expected.

I'm well aware of the ramifications of this virus and I wouldn't recommend to any young person to leave their house for any non essential reason. I just don't like the increased dramatization of "OH LOOK, THERE IS A SICK YOUNG PERSON! THAT MEANS THE VIRUS WILL KILL EVERYONE!" when that's incredibly far from the truth.

I think everybody KNOWS that the virus will not actually kill everybody, especially if you are young and healthy, BUT almost everybody have people on their lives that they care about that might be in a higher danger than them, and they don't want to be the ones who take the sickness into their families.

And you have been downplaying this since the very beginning, like when you said: "Just checked and in 2017 in the US alone 55000 people died from Influenza and Pneumonia. Haven't seen any panic about that anywhere." and "It's some kind of virus that spreads fast and has comparably mild symptoms. If I was worried about that I shouldn't be able to even leave my home because flu and cold season is coming and that shit also spreads fast and kills people. But this virus is new and sexy and a novelty, which is why so many bored privileged people are suddenly "concerned" about it." back in January 26th.

If the world had listened to you back then, we would had been in a much, MUCH, worse state right now.