Hiku said: There were concerns about a second wave starting in Asia again a couple of days ago. But the other day China had 0 new reported cases in Wuhan, and 1 case in the country overall, iirc. The numbers in Italy however really really scare me... |
Speaking of which, here's Italian mayors and governors losing it at people violating covid-19 stay at home orders. VERY satisfying and morbidly funny!
Anyway, the numbers out of this country (the United States) should scare you too, as we just became the world leader in active coronavirus cases today (at least in terms of raw numbers). Another stamp for American exceptionalism. The current epicenter here in the U.S. is New York City, which is expected to run out of available intensive care beds on Friday, as in the day after tomorrow.
My area is now under a stay at home order as well. Not only is that good health policy under these circumstances, it's made my job as a grocery store courtesy clerk a LOT easier by reducing traffic to the store back to normal levels instead of every day being more insane than Thanksgiving Eve for Christ sakes. If things stay this way, who knows, we might even get a chance to catch up in terms of restocking supplies over the next few weeks. HALLELUJAH!! YaY for draconian tyranny!!