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Forums - General Discussion - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Discussion Thread

I plotted the growth factors of different countries. Each point is an average from the 2 days ahead and behind hence the graph is 2 days behind. The line thickness is determined by the nr of daily cases. (Thinnest < 100, 2 pixels 100 to 999, 3 pixels 1000 to 9999, thickest > 10000)

China's data is messed up from reclassifying the cases, but Februari 5th seems to have been the turning point where the growth started to go below one.

As of March 21st, Italy and Germany started to go under 1.0
Iran is a weird one, staying pretty much consistent at around 1100 new cases a day, up and down a bit.
The others seem to have some Monday catch up count, everything was lower on Sunday, now coming back.
The black line is the world average.

The growth order on March 21st, global avg was 1.09 (7 days to double)

Canada 1.29
USA 1.28
France 1.17
Spain 1.12
UK 1.06
Iran 1.02
Germany 0.96
Italy 0.97
South Korea 0.89

Looking at today's numbers, Italy is the only one continuing the decline. Finally going down!
The others are all going up again. It seems Canada is finally getting tests up to speed as well.

Around the Network
Snoopy said:
jason1637 said:
2nd neighbor tested positive for the virus. Scary times.

He'll live if he is young.

Not enough, he must be a very healthy guy, and living without his parents

John2290 said:
SpokenTruth said:

3/23: US-Italy Chart.

The exponential growth is really starting to show the past few days.  Over 10,000 new cases today. Our the current rates of new cases, the US will pass Italy in 2 days and China in 3 days. The good news is that Italy has had 2 consecutive days of fewer new cases and deaths. This is definitely a trend to watch.  It may be an indicator that Italy is on the back side of the curve.

I mentioned Switzerland a few posts ago as a nation that has recently seen a massive increase in new cases and deaths but I just noticed France is having it even worse.  They doubled their new cases from the previous day and had a very high increase in deaths. Hopefully that's just an anomaly and not a new rate for them.

Can you chart New York state against Italy. Please. Or perhaps New York city vs Lombardy would be fairer. 

FT is giving it's COVID stuff away for free.

Lots of good comparisons.

Nov 2016 - NES outsells PS1 (JP)

Don't Play Stationary 4 ever. Switch!

Well Travis (Austin, TX) and Williamson County (where I live) have ordered stay at home for all nonessential employees. Goes into effect Wed at 12:00. I guess I will have to stay home for 2 or 3 weeks now or who knows. Looks like I'll file for unemployment on Wednesday. I won't be laid off but I can't work so that means unemployment.  If more states and big cities keep doing stay at home I bet the unemployment numbers for this month will jump to 30-50%.

rapsuperstar31 said:
PortisheadBiscuit said:
Trump talking about lifting restrictions soon, doesnt sound like a good idea. Yes the economy is going to shit, but risking lives to save it is questionable.

The death count in New York...and possibly Florida since it sounds like  a lot of New Yorker's are leaving New York for Florida is going to explode before Trumps 15 day plan is up.  Hopefully that gets him to change his mind.

15 days only lockdown does nothing.

You have a potential 12day incubation periode, and then a upto 2 weeks or so, before your "recovered".
Until then you can still spread the virus.

The least amount you can responsibly do, would be incubation time + ~1week (alot get better within a week).
This wont stop all the spread, or anywhere close to that, but it could take the "worst" of it off the top.

However theres still people that are contracting it from family members, who were healthy before the lock down started.
So even if your quarantine the people, such a short lockdown, is only enough to maybe slightly prevent the infected to spreading it to more than their family members.

The family members of the current infected will get it too, and not be recovered, until after such a short periode lockdown ends.
This means once the lockdown ends (if its only 15days) you will see a new wave, of infections.

Basically I think most should expect like a month of lockdowns.

Around the Network

This is dissapointing:

JRPGfan said:

This is dissapointing:

I think I'll stick with Dr. Greenthumb's advice and stick with weed for my medical cure.  It won't help but at least I know I won't overdose.

SpokenTruth said:

You should see Switzerland.  Same population as Hong Kong.

Just a small reminder. I live in Basel which borders France and Germany. Roughly 700 positive cases are reported as of now in the canton of Basel-City. However, roughly 300 of those cases are from bordering regions (Alsace, southern Baden-Württemberg). Same applies to Geneva (and possibly Lugano with Italians mixed in).

So the Swiss numbers are indeed extremely worrysome (when looked at cases per 1M inhabitants), but are too high in relation to "bare numbers" for the country. In hindsight, an early and brutal gutting the border to Italy would have helped a lot (around 50'000 italian workers, pretty much all of them from the hardest hit region in northern Italy cross(ed) the border to Switzerland every day/week).

Last edited by drkohler - on 24 March 2020

trunkswd said:
Eagle367 said:

What's the pay like hahaha?

Not great considering the amount of work we all put in. The Supporter program has helped. We are trying to turn the site around to the point it is more sustainable. I'd love for it to be as big as GameSpot or IGN, but I know that will never happen. 

Gamespot and IGN lost a lot of ground in the last years and others gained.

This site is very forumbased with lesser focus on big frontpage news articles and that's good but i do think it is far less popular than the more in the face gamingsites,you guys deserve every penny you get for the work here and i will do a contribution myself this year

Now there's 1,577 confirmed cases in denmark.
upto 301 (~19%) people have been hospitalised, and upto 69 (~4,4%) are in intensive care.

32 (~2%) people have died so far here, to this virus.