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Forums - General Discussion - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Discussion Thread

China failed to contain it to Wuhan area, its now spread outside it, even though they basically locked down that area to try and keep it from spreading outsides that area for them.

Also apparently the incubation periode isnt just 14 days, but around 24 days.
You can walk around feeling healthy and fine, and be sick, and spread this virus without knowing it.
symptoms show up late, with it, which makes it very hard to catch the spread of this thing.

The only "good" peice of news is the mortality rates are only like 1,5%.

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Damn more than 1K.

Bofferbrauer2 said:
The WHO has given the virus an official name: Covid-19, short for Coronavirus Disease 2019

I bet a lot of People are still going to call it "Wuhan Corona Virus " though I understand why china doesn't want it to keep that name.

John2290 said:
24 day incubation period. Airborne and lives 5 days on surfaces in winter conditions, who knows how long in spring or summer. Infection rate of 50-60 percent.

I'm officially scared. This was defiantly an engineered virus.

In all likelihood, its a natural occuring thing.
Theres no proof of it being something engineered.

FarleyMcFirefly said:
so it could be 25% mortality... That's scary.

We are nowhere near a 25% mortality rate. The actual rate is under 3%

And I don't know, maybe it's just me but I'm not impressed by such a low rate. I'm pretty sure other common diseases kill more than that so I don't fully understand why this virus is the star of the show in most news broadcasts.

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John2290 said:
24 day incubation period. Airborne and lives 5 days on surfaces in winter conditions, who knows how long in spring or summer. Infection rate of 50-60 percent.

I'm officially scared. This was defiantly an engineered virus.

24 day absolute peak incubation period, average 3 day incubation period

can survive up to 5 days on "shiny" surfaces (metal, plastics and the like) and less on others in winter conditions and likely much less in hotter conditions as heat and humidity kills coronaviruses with COVID19 being a bit more resistant to that than average

you are definitely a victim of some conspiricy theory shit

Lafiel said:
John2290 said:
24 day incubation period. Airborne and lives 5 days on surfaces in winter conditions, who knows how long in spring or summer. Infection rate of 50-60 percent.

I'm officially scared. This was defiantly an engineered virus.

24 day absolute peak incubation period, average 3 day incubation period

can survive up to 5 days on "shiny" surfaces (metal, plastics and the like) and less on others in winter conditions and likely much less in hotter conditions as heat and humidity kills coronaviruses with COVID19 being a bit more resistant to that than average

you are definitely a victim of some conspiricy theory shit

Yes,  people are falling for the clickbait tittles.

One of my friends is absolutely obsessed with the coronavirus. I think he's addicted to the fear.

We're currently in summer down here in Australia, it's chances of spreading are significantly reduced. I'm going to link this post to him. Also, this.... It's outdated, but the mortality rate has actually decreased slightly in comparison to the other "world ending plagues"

James, calm your shit and roll me a dart.

Actually the up to 24 day incubation period is from a news article on 微信 WeChat put out by the government over here. Not sure how thats clickbait.


1. Anyone claiming to know the death rate (mortality rate) is full of shit. (Reliable numbers would be needed to calculate)
2. Thinking this is as harmless as the flu is also stupid. (Nobody goes full hazmat, quarantine, or lockdown for the flu)
3. Source of origin is not known. (Whether natural or human influence)

What do we know?
It is serious.
If you live in China and try to inform the outside world, you disappear and or are arrested.
Actual numbers are not being reported and will not be. (Prevents fear and panic)
The number of tests that can be performed in a day are limited. (It takes time and resources to perform these tests)
The number of test kits available are limited. (It's not like we had millions of these things just laying around)
Crematoriums are at full capacity. (Doesn't mean that all cremations are from deaths from Coronavirus)
Cremations are a normal way of dealing with death in China. (Pre Coronavirus, and after)
Dead bodies on the streets, houses, hospitals, or anywhere are not having resources wasted on for testing for coronavirus, cause of death, or any reason, they are just being stacked in queue for disposal for sanitary reasons.

The unfortunate event of the Diamond Princess cruise ship being infected is the best controlled lab experiment we have to ascertain true numbers and studies that can be performed (If these are not also hidden from the public, but it would be harder since passenger and crew manifests exist). With the long incubation period involved just to begin showing symptoms, and then the amount of time required for the illness to run its toll, we are still looking at a month from now for figures that we can use to begin calculations to start rolling in.

Even if the mortality rate was 25% and took out 1,925,000,000 people it would still leave 5,775,000,000. That's assuming everybody contracted it. Big fucking whoop. It would probably take a decade to dispose of all of that and get back to normal, but it would not be the end all be all.

You would also have the fear factor and butthole factor that would also take lives, but that would be offset by the increase of birth rates. I could die, you could die, but we won't all die. avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.