Snoopy said:
Most people who get the flu won't need a sick bed or a respirator. Only people who needs it will be the elderly or people with weak immune system. I actually got the flu earlier this year and I just stayed home for about a week and I was fine just like most people. Also, most people who are dying are the elderly and infants who should stay home like I said before. |
Did read the article you linked?
"Most people who get the flu won't need a sick bed or a respirator." -Snoopy.
But upto 20% of those infected with it, do. (as I understand it)
if 70% of the entire population gets it (if we just go back to work as you suggest), and 20% of those people need a sickbed/ventilator..... while thats not "most", its JUST 20%, its a f*** huge load of people. 328million people x 70% x 20% = (328x0.7x0.2) = 45,92 million people.
"Only people who needs it will be the elderly or people with weak immune system." -Snoopy.
^ this is a lie.
You are ill informed most likely, truth is alot of people, even non-smokers or elderly/weak+immune systems get it, and can end up needing a sick bed or ventilator.
"I actually got the flu earlier this year and I just stayed home for about a week and I was fine just like most people." -Snoopy.
^ CoVid-19 is worse than any common flu.
The fact that it kills 14 to 40+ times more people that get it, alone proves this point (death rates vary from nation to nation).
Getting Corona virus isnt like getting the flu, so you shouldnt compair your personal experiances with a flu, to getting corona.
"Also, most people who are dying are the elderly and infants who should stay home like I said before." -Snoopy.
If 70% of the population has it.... just staying home, to avoid it isnt easy.
You would have to have months of stockpiled food in each home.
People need to go out and get foods, if so much of the population has it, that becomes so much more risky.
Same with haveing it bought out, its not without risk.
The more of the general population gets it (which your arugment is for) the more elderly will die.
Excuseing it with, they should have just stayed at home... not very "kind" to the elderly.
Hopefully one day, you also live to old age, and wont have to get screwed over by a younger person with a viewpoint like yours right now.
"and infants" -Snoopy.
^ this is wrong as well.
Kids and even babys are usually able to get through it without much if any ill effects.
They deal with it much better than even someone in their 30s.
The issues lay with the 30-90 year olds that get this.
"a team of infectious disease experts calculates that the fatality rate in people who have symptoms of the disease caused by the new coronavirus is about 1.4%."
^ this is from the article you linked Snoopy.
Its a "optimistic" look at death rates, amoung those that show symptoms (20% of people infected).
328 million americans x (upto) 70% infected x 20% (show symptoms) x 1,4% (optimistic expectation of deaths) = ~650,000 Deaths
You saying "lets just go back to work instead", is atleast going to kill 650,000 americans or so (going by the article you linked).
Also this is with a optimistic view of death rates, and assumeing that everyone that needs a sick bed and care for, will get it.
Reality is that most wont if you spread the virus like this.
You could be looking at a few million deaths, if you dont combat its spread, by shutting down work places ect.
"lets just go back to work" means millions of people in america *could* die.