Therefore, it's time to bust out some calculations to track the direction all three systems are headed if they maintain their current pace.
So far, the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch, at this point last year, sold through 42.86637705%, (PS4), 31.63096172%, (XBO), and 30.37839799%, (NS), of their final 2019 totals respectively.
If those percentages hold for this year as well, then the final 2020 totals for all three systems would be as follows.
PlayStation 4: 13,688,033 units
Xbox One: 6,248,729 units
Nintendo Switch: 33,837,795 units
For the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, I would expect the actual final totals to be less than the projected totals due to the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X released this year and those are going to be the new items this holiday season.
As for the Nintendo Switch...
There is absolutely, positively no way in hell the actual total will come even remotely close to that projected total. I mean... almost 34 million units in a single year?!? Not even the DS was able to pull that off! There's just no way that's going to happen. How can it happen?!? The COVID-19 boost has been beneficial for all three systems, but the Switch in particular has seen the biggest boost. That + Animal Crossing has lead to its massive increase YoY. It's strong, but it ain't THAT strong! I think ~25 million is more likely, which would match the Wii's peak year, but we shall see.
Hardware Comparison Threads:
Current Thread
Switch 1 '25 vs DS '11, 3DS '17, and Wii '12
Older Threads:
PlayStation/Xbox/Switch: 2022 Edition
PlayStation/Xbox/Switch Hardware Battle: 2021 Edition!
PlayStation 4/Xbox One/Nintendo Switch: 2019 vs. 2020
PlayStation 4/Xbox One/Nintendo Switch: 2018 vs. 2019
PlayStation 4/Xbox One/Nintendo Switch: 2017 vs. 2018
PlayStation 4: 2015 vs. 2016 vs. 2017