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I hope that MS have taken a look at this project, I know that it’s basically been in development Hell since it was originally supposed to be a interactive Kinect game but is now being converted into a single player game.

Their official website says that it’s coming in 2022 and still exclusive to Xbox One and PC (it also shows a Series X logo).

Last edited by EspadaGrim - on 28 May 2021

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EspadaGrim said:

I hope that MS have taken a look at this project, I know that it’s basically been in development Hell since it was originally supposed to be a interactive Kinect game but is now being converted into a single player game.

Their official website says that it’s coming in 2022 and still exclusive to Xbox One and PC (it also shows a Series X logo).

Hmmm, considering in another tweet they hint that their other game might come to xbox, I think they probably have some relationship with MS, otherwise it makes no sense to avoid playstation lol. Would be nice if MS shined some light on this game tho

Chris Charla does follows them, so MS is definitely aware

ice said:
EspadaGrim said:

I hope that MS have taken a look at this project, I know that it’s basically been in development Hell since it was originally supposed to be a interactive Kinect game but is now being converted into a single player game.

Their official website says that it’s coming in 2022 and still exclusive to Xbox One and PC (it also shows a Series X logo).

Hmmm, considering in another tweet they hint that their other game might come to xbox, I think they probably have some relationship with MS, otherwise it makes no sense to avoid playstation lol. Would be nice if MS shined some light on this game tho

Chris Charla does follows them, so MS is definitely aware

They are 100% part of the ID@Xbox program, both games on a technical and artistic level look great. It would be cool to see MS pick up both projects like they did Scorn and Bright Memory Infinite (Games made by small teams that show potential).

The coolest cat gif.

The next few weeks should be interesting. avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

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So the Far Cry 6 gameplay trailer dropped today.
Looks exactly what you would expect from Far Cry. Doesn't bring anything new to the table.

At least there seems to be a proper city in the game, which is good for a little variety. I also like the Macarena gun :)

Barozi said:

So the Far Cry 6 gameplay trailer dropped today.
Looks exactly what you would expect from Far Cry. Doesn't bring anything new to the table.

At least there seems to be a proper city in the game, which is good for a little variety. I also like the Macarena gun :)

I saw the leaks yesterday. The gameplay look like your average farcry but graphics are definitely a step up from farcry 5.

jason1637 said:
Barozi said:

So the Far Cry 6 gameplay trailer dropped today.
Looks exactly what you would expect from Far Cry. Doesn't bring anything new to the table.

At least there seems to be a proper city in the game, which is good for a little variety. I also like the Macarena gun :)

I saw the leaks yesterday. The gameplay look like your average farcry but graphics are definitely a step up from farcry 5.

The forest/jungle scenes look great, the rest is at least servicable yet clearly cross-gen.

However Ubisoft still sucks at modeling decent faces. They look average (at most) even for 8th gen standards.

ice said:

Lol Persona 5 on xbox, let that go pimp  

@Ryuu that studio acquisition pic is amazing lol">"><img src="