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I'mma just dip outta here until E3 comes and goes.

Not much point in spoiler tags if people are just gonna quote em right after saying shit where nobody needs a second guess as to what game you're talking about.

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I really got to say I am loving MLB the show so happy it got added to gamepass. It's also the first sports game my son saw me playing and wanted to play with me he loved it so much he downloaded it to his Xbox and started his own file

trunkswd said:
Baddman said:

I really got to say I am loving MLB the show so happy it got added to gamepass. It's also the first sports game my son saw me playing and wanted to play with me he loved it so much he downloaded it to his Xbox and started his own file

As a Baseball fan myself, you think I'd enjoy it, even if I am not a fan of sports games?

If you have gamepass I say it's definitely worth a shot. Road to the show is addictive and you can sim through parts of the game so it doesn't feel like a slog.">"><img src="

Ryuu96 said:

That Phil Spencer looking kinda sus.

Where did his hair go? avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

Around the Network

Am i the only one who wants Lost Odyssey on gamepass? I never got to complete the original on 360 because the last disc was scratched. That game american packaging was shitty idk how Microsoft was able to get away with that lol

Ryuu96 said:

@DroidKnight I did two, not sure what one you want, Idm either way, they're easy as hell to make.

Not gonna lie, the one on the left looks pretty good.  The black helps add some balance.  You talked me into the left image. avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

@Ryuu96 Thanks, looks great! avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

Baddman said:

Am i the only one who wants Lost Odyssey on gamepass? I never got to complete the original on 360 because the last disc was scratched. That game american packaging was shitty idk how Microsoft was able to get away with that lol

The game was/is literally free in the store for a long time =p.

Ryuu96 said:

Unrelated slightly but I saw someone suggest that they drop the numbering for Forza Horizon and instead use the location, such as, Forza Horizon: Mexico, Forza Horizon: Japan, thoughts?

Some folk wondering if they're dropping the numbering cause the cars/toys don't have any numbers, I figured that is just because FH5 isn't announced yet, Lol, but then you're having to go back to branding to re-do it and add the number.

I'm going to have a laughing fit when Forza inevitably visits Italy.