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I'll probably be picking up Halo Infinite, Cyberpunk 2077, and whatever the new CoD is at the launch of Series X. Strange we still haven't gotten an announcement for the new CoD. I guess at the rumored Sony PS event in August??

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If 343 can’t deliver a full game... delay that shit imo lol I’d rather wait then have no mp at launch... In Halo the MP is equally important as the campaign. This is too much for a mainline Halo game, if this was a spinoff I can excuse it but damn.

Ryuu96 said:

Okay 👌 good 

Voted Avowed. A big budget RPG by Obsidian set in the Pillars of Eternity universe. All I need to know.

Also have to say, after a day of sleeping on it and now watching the reaction from the Digital Foundry crew, it seems 343 has once again dropped the ball. While I felt it overall looked pretty great and the gameplay seemed quick and fun, it really needed to blow people away in some aspect and it didn't.

When the DF crew said it looks less impressive than some current-gen open world games, that's just not good enough for a flagship title. We don't know how open world Infinite will be either, but even at 60fps it should be at least a noticeable improvement over current-gen titles.

5+ years of development, 2+ years hyping up the Slipspace engine, only developing for Xbox and PC, yet 343 just aren't delivering the goods. Let's hope over the next few months they're working their asses off to really polish this up properly.

A delay shouldn't be out of the question either. I don't see any other big titles likely arriving year one for PS5 or XSX, so the release of Infinite should be able to play a big part in the start of this gen. It can't afford to fall flat again.

Ryuu96 said:

Getting more hyped! Need to see more 343!

Seems they changed the timeline, Infinite starts a few months after Halo Wars 2 Awakening the Nightmare which makes more sense to me, cause surely Spirit of Fire and The Banished can't fight for years in a single spot, someone has to win at some point and eventually make contact with others, the timeline being shorter between means they could theoretically still be fighting at The Ark while all this is going on.

"Marine Rescue" tag on the map, along with a place called "The Tower"

Is HW2 DLC vital for story? Just wondering for when I get there.

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The Gameplay trailer on the Halo channel has 2.8m views of whom 117k are positive and 18k are negative. On the Xbox channel it has only 900k views of whom 35k are positive and almost 10k are negaitve.

Sry to say that but I get the feeling it's not Halo fans who aren't so happy with it. I can also imagine how many thousand of these downvotes come from Sony fans alone. 

I guess the difference is that Halo fans care only secondary about if the graphics are better than this or that game and it's more people who seem to care only about how the textures looked and not about the game itself who complain so much. 

shikamaru317 said:

Even though I am disappointed by the graphics, I must say this is pretty darn hilarious:

Lmao 😂 this accurate af tho

Yo Ryuu. I know we were talking about clamber on discord. Idk if you went back and watched it but it’s around 5:10 mark

For anyone else that didn’t notice: Clamber confirmation.

Not that I care that much about Clamber, I just view it as useless. Lol So instead of regular jumping you want to raise the height slightly so we see an animation. It’s especially dumb in MP but whatever.

PS: Sorry Goat xD

shikamaru317 said:

I saw sprint, clamber, and boosters in the gameplay demo. I wanted all 3 of those so I'm happy. Hopefully spartan charge and ground slam are gone.

Those were definitely the worst lol Spartan charge the cheapest shit ever. Ground slam broke the flow and was also cheap af. 343 did right by removing them

shikamaru317 said:

I saw sprint, clamber, and boosters in the gameplay demo. I wanted all 3 of those so I'm happy. Hopefully spartan charge and ground slam are gone.

Even though you hate it, I love the charge. Clamber is good for taller than usual places but can turn into complete crap in MP. I do agree Ground Pound is near useless.