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Ninja Theory due to how good both Hellblade games look.

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I'm just really hoping the July event doesn't roll around to the tune of "Hope you liking how sick Halo looks, btw, we gotta delay it tho." That would suuuuuuck.

trunkswd said:
Ryuu96 said:
Good Lord the Xbox thread on Era is going to shit, made me reevaluate if I'm being too negative too.

I shall try to be more positive in this thread

In July Xbox will blow our socks off and make this graphical talk irrelevant.


Going to shit? Do they not realize the UE5 demo will run just as well if not better on the Xbox Series X? The Xbox Series X third-party event was really just an appetizer, while we wait for the main meal in July. 

It's just fanboys fighting with each other without believing their own words. Every Playstation fan on Era obviously knows that

1. It was only a tech demo for an engine which games at the console launch won't use.

2. Xbox will also have games with UE5

and most important:

3. Those games MS showed and which will release on PS5 won't look better on PS5. So, If they laugh about which games and graphics XSX will get they laugh about PS5 as well. Or will Dirt or Asscreed suddenly look like other games on PS5?

Ryuu96 said:
Angelus said:
I'm just really hoping the July event doesn't roll around to the tune of "Hope you liking how sick Halo looks, btw, we gotta delay it tho." That would suuuuuuck.

That would suck but honestly I'd accept it quickly, if Infinite isn't ready, I don't care how it will affect Series X, I don't care what console warring comes from it, delay it, 343 can't afford to screw up again and we're in a bad situation with this virus too.

Plus I'll be saving Cyberpunk for Series X anyway, I'll be busy either way.

I'm not saying I wouldn't ultimately accept it if it had to be done in order to really make it shine....

just that I would be really really salty about it for a couple of weeks, throw a big temper tantrum about how Series X is a pointless waste of my time, and go buy an Ouya out of protest.

I think the reason that MS is not showing Flight Simulator on Series X is that it's not even the game, it's as the title says the simulator. So, probably the don't think it's even worth to put any marketing efforts in trying to promote this on a console as it will be a very niche title after all.


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If Xbox wants to impress with technical showpieces, either Forza series is easy eye candy. And I’m really liking what the Slipspace engine can do. Not worried, I just want MS to take this seriously now. Don’t hold back and what not

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


It’s going to be interesting to see what Sony actually show when it comes to 1st party. I only really expect Horizon 2 and Spiderman 2 when it comes to actual gameplay and the rest to be filled in by 2nd/3rd party and teasers.

shikamaru317 said:
Pemalite said:

What makes you think that? AMD has never done Ray Tracing before, it could turn out to be functionally inferior on all fronts.

AMD tends to be behind nVidia on the technology front, it's only at 7nm that they have managed to match nVidia (for the most part, nVidia still holds a key  advantage in benchmarks, not to mention a massive feature advantage!) who is still humming along with 12nm hardware.
And it was only with RDNA that AMD managed to match nVidia Maxwell on the efficiency feature set front with functional primitive shaders and draw stream binning rasterization... nVidia's Micro-architecture from 2014, but suddenly they will get Ray Tracing right on their first attempt? I have my doubts.

Well, AMD has had a few years to study Nvidia's Geforce 20 series ray tracing implementation, which should mean that they at least match it, if not improve upon it somewhat with their RDNA 2.0 cards later this year. Though Nvidia has also had time to improve upon their own ray tracing implementation, so even if AMD's RDNA 2.0 cards do beat Geforce 20 series in ray tracing performance, Nvidia's Ampere cards will likely take back the ray tracing lead again when they release later this year (there is one rumor that Ampere's ray tracing will be 4 times more efficient than Turing/20 series). But either way, RDNA 2.0, and by extension PS5/XSX, should have better ray tracing efficiency than Geforce 20 series hopefully.

It takes longer than a year or two to build these monolithic graphics processors.
AMD has multiple teams in place to build and release products on a yearly cadence and cycle through, it was only with RDNA that AMD managed to match allot of nVidia's architectural efficiency gains that they debuted with Maxwell... Which came out in 2014, 6 years ago.

Things like draw stream binning rasterization and primitive shaders might have been a "thing" in Vega, but they weren't used or supported properly, buggy and just plain sucked.

It will take a few more years for AMD to do a proper analysis of nVidia's Ray Tracing and implement a superior/equal approach, these things don't happen overnight... AMD, Intel and nVidia try and make "future projections" on what their competitors are doing, what their performance targets will be and try to match/beat that at the very least... But when a company stagnates/drops the ball like Intel a company like AMD will take a decisive lead, which is what happened with Ryzen.

Same thing happened with Polymorph, nVidia's first attempt at Tessellation dominated AMD's implementation, which is ironic, because AMD helped pioneer the technology, ATI/AMD cards had Tessellation while console gamers were gaming on Playstation 2's... And wouldn't become a common hardware feature set until the Xbox One/Playstation 4/Switch became a thing.
It took years for AMD to catch up, Evergreen didn't, Northern Islands didn't and Southern Islands also didn't.

I don't doubt that AMD's first attempt at Ray Tracing will be able to match Turing... But I am not willing to place my bets on that until we actually see AMD's implementation, it might be significantly worse, it might be significantly better...

But one thing is for sure... If AMD's implementation dominated Turing, AMD would be hyping the technology up like no tomorrow right now, especially as RDNA 2 is only 4-6 months away and Sony and Microsoft would be championing the technology for next-gen.

Ryuu96 said:

Running on PS5...This makes Microsoft's marketing on their recent Inside Xbox an even more awful idea.

This is what gamers have been clamoring for, snippets of what next-gen is all about.

Phil will be taking note of this.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

shikamaru317 said:
derpysquirtle64 said:
I think the reason that MS is not showing Flight Simulator on Series X is that it's not even the game, it's as the title says the simulator. So, probably the don't think it's even worth to put any marketing efforts in trying to promote this on a console as it will be a very niche title after all.

I can’t see MS releasing the game on console as a full on simulator. You need a keyboard just to handle the sheer number of controls in a flight sim, and I can’t see MS releasing a game on console that required a keyboard. Which means if it is coming to console, and MS says it is, they are almost certainly gamifying it for the console version. How much they gamify it is the question. Will it simply be the game as it is on PC but with a controller friendly Ace Combat like control scheme? Will they work some kind of limited campaign into it? I guess we will find out in July probably.

Elite Dangerous did it well enough on console for a full sim, That shit is like the hardest game I've ever played docking in a station is like doing a last boss on the hardest difficulty at half the level you should be whilst blindfolded.

The demo still gets me excited though. Its great the PS5 will be able to push out content like that. They'll have the same demo running internally on the Series X at even better performance. Get pumped!

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