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Angelus said:
So which of the new games shown yesterday are you guys most interested in playing? (You can go ahead and make that question the new poll, Ryu)

Gotta be The Ascent for me.

Of the ones I already knew about, it's Bloodlines 2 and AC of course.

For me the highlight was Scarlet Nexus followed by Yakuza 7 and The Medium.

shikamaru317 said:
I really hope that Microsoft has some actual JP exclusives coming through XGP in July. They really need to make sure that early gen sales in Japan are decent if they want to lock in stronger JP 3rd party support for next gen.

Tbh, as disappointing as it may seem but almost zero chance of it happening. You can open up the yesterday's gematsu post about Scarlet Nexus and just read tons of comments of salty Sony fanboys over the game presumably being an exclusive. Unfortunately, when it comes to Japanese games, Microsoft is in "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation. A never ending loop. They can't actually buy Japanese exclusives because it will piss off the 95% of audience of these games that will result in them hating Xbox and not buying it as some sort of protest. And they can't make these people interested in Xbox if they only have Japanese games that can be played on other platforms on their system. 

Let's be honest, the best we can hope for Series X generation is Xbox having a parity with Playstation in terms of these games and not having a situation when multiplatform games skip Xbox for no reason. It's just a fact that Xbox One generation has been a total disaster throughout entire gen. Of course, the console market is very unpredictable and a lot of things can change, but still, the most likely outcome is that Xbox will still be playing catch up during next gen as well. And that it will be way behind PC, Switch and. PS5. And even more so when it comes to Japanese games. Series X should be the "Redemption arc" for Microsoft. If everything is done right, third-party Japanese support will be good enough throughout the whole gen, then MS can start thinking about buying exclusives for the next gen. Because, the first priority right now is to show the audience of Japanese games that they can feel at home at Xbox and that they won't be missing on a lot of good stuff if they choose Xbox over any other platform. Exclusives mean nothing if the parity in terms of multiplatform support isn't there.

shikamaru317 said:
Angelus said:

Agreed on all counts. Though I do have to say this demo looks A LOT less visually impressive than that trailer they showed yesterday. Still, I'd definitely give this a go on GamePass.

Yeah, my understanding is that Bright Memory was a demo/prequel to Bright Memory Infinite that he released on PC last year. He clearly upped the graphics quite alot for Bright Memory Infinite, which is great. Gives us a better idea of what Series X is capable of than most of the other games we saw yesterday, aside from maybe AC Valhalla, assuming that it doesn't get hit by an Ubisoft downgrade like alot of their early gen 8 games did. 

Actually it wasn't even a demo. More like technical demo. This new, Infinite game is more like a reboot, starting from scratch thing. I think that the only thing that they are going to keep is the main character and some plot details. It's not like there was any in that tech demo actually because it was a really weird game. Just imagine modern shooter, DMC style combat, Tomb Raider and Dark Souls-like segments packed in 30 minutes. I recommend to play this game because it is really weird in a good way. Judging by the new trailer, they seem to add racing into it as well.


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shikamaru317 said:

I must say it looks pretty damn good graphically compared to current gen isometric RPG's, not even the AAA Diablo 4 has graphics that good. If Series X can allow a single A 11 person team to pull off better isometric graphics than a AAA isometric team on current gen hardware, you pretty much know that the leap from 8th gen to 9th gen AAA games will be just as big. 

Ya there's a lot of great detail in there, like the environmental destruction and such. Looks really dynamic. 

Angelus said:
shikamaru317 said:

I must say it looks pretty damn good graphically compared to current gen isometric RPG's, not even the AAA Diablo 4 has graphics that good. If Series X can allow a single A 11 person team to pull off better isometric graphics than a AAA isometric team on current gen hardware, you pretty much know that the leap from 8th gen to 9th gen AAA games will be just as big. 

Ya there's a lot of great detail in there, like the environmental destruction and such. Looks really dynamic. 

Some of the background detail looks pretty amazing.

What I was referring to yesterday with an AC gameplay trailer over a 10 min demo (we got neither) is something like we have here, The trailers we got yesterday are great for the main show but then they should be followed up with a Xbox Wire article with a 10 minute pure gameplay video like this here so people can follow up on what caught their eye and that should be how all events are going forward.

Because as much as I want to see gameplay putting something like this into a show isn't feasible and would likely cause people to be bored and loose interest even if you cut it down to 5 minutes. It's need to be BAM here's a 2 minutes trailer to get peoples attention and then here check out 10 minutes of gameplay on it posted straight after the main show.

DF guys be reading my VGC rants. I'm suing.

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shikamaru317 said:
Angelus said:
DF guys be reading my VGC rants. I'm suing.

Yeah, DF seems pretty disappointed with what was shown, particular with how all of the trailers were "representative of expected Series X gameplay" instead of actually running on Series X dev kits. They also seem quite skeptical that some of these games will actually hit native 4K 60 fps like MS claims for some of them, especially the ones that have some ray tracing. 

Yes, I found it quite interesting actually how for every single game they were like "ehhh....idk if that's actually realistic."

Had me sitting there everyone, including these guys agree that these games were disappointing from the perspective of everyone wanting to get a look at some real next gen games, big boy stuff...and yet....they don't even believe these machines are capable of running these small time games at X settings. gen sounds lame as shit all of a sudden then.

shikamaru317 said:

This game looks seriously impressive for a 1 man studio. Dude is a regular renaissance man, majorly multi-talented. There are so many different departments in a video game studio, design (gameplay), programming, animation, art, audio, quality assurance, narrative, etc.; and this guy did it all by himself (except for the voice acting) at like AA tier quality at least, some facets even look AAA quality.

This is very inaccurate to what the game is today, IGN should have specified that this is the early PC Demo that I think was released last year. I remember Funhaus playing it.

The new trailer definitely showed improvements and new gameplay mechanics.

shikamaru317 said:
Angelus said:
DF guys be reading my VGC rants. I'm suing.

Yeah, overall DF seems pretty disappointed with what was shown. They didn't like how all of the trailers were "representative of expected Series X gameplay" instead of actually running on Series X dev kits. They seem quite skeptical that some of these games will actually hit native 4K 60 fps like MS claims for some of them, especially the ones that have some ray tracing. They are annoyed that MS didn't actually do anything to showcase the capabilities of system, like having a demo that shows that the SSD eliminates texture pop-in and reduces load times considerably. They were particularly annoyed with AC Valhalla not having an actual gameplay demo like AC Origins had on Xbox E3 back in 2017. 

Ray Tracing is stupidly demanding.
It will take more than AMD's first attempt at Ray Tracing hardware to Achieve Ray Tracing+4k+60fps.

I will repeat what I stated years ago before the 8th gen consoles released... That is, if PC isn't doing it, then console isn't doing it either.
People have unrealistic expectations of the hardware and then get let down when those expectations are not met.

In Microsoft's instance here... This trailer was pretty bad, showed us nothing of what Next-Gen is about, they have the ability to control the next-gen narrative as well with more powerful hardware, but just didn't manage to do that for whatever reason.

However, Microsoft is quick to learn from their mistakes, so I will assume they will come out guns-blazing on their next attempt.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Angelus said:
The wait until the July event is gonna suck. Hopefully we get some cool third party stuff next month to fill the gap. We'll see more Cyberpunk, so that's definitely good.

Honestly though, I'm a bit trepidatious about the July showing at this point. I feel like I should prepare myself for another shitty IX, with rapid fire game trailers that give almost nothing a chance to shine, interlaced with some people from the respective studios talking (rather than showing), and then maybe one actual gameplay demo for Halo.

Cus even ignoring MS fucking up the messaging for their IX yesterday, and the general stupid idea of having a bunch of cross gen indies be the first ever gameplay showcases for your "most powerful console ever," MS still hasn't gotten over their quantity over quality presentation style. That's not to be mistaken for my saying that a lot of the games they show don't end up being quality, but when you just put on this never ending barrage of trailers, it all just sort of runs together, and nothing feels as memorable as it might otherwise be. This style was a nice change of pace when they started it at E3 a few years back, because before that, their shows were just generally pretty ass for a while, so just seeing a lot of games, without a whole lot of gimmicky BS interspersed, was a welcome change of pace. Now though, especially as MS is gathering more talent, acquired more studios, and are just generally in a better position to work with....well, it's just not a format that I think does anyone a great service.

You're not at E3 now. You're not paying for stage time. You don't have 100s of journalists in the room who gotta go cover a million other things next door. Either make your stream longer, or cut stuff out and only talk about/show the most far along projects. You gotta make the audience feel like these are big games that they should care about. Not rush from one to the next like it's a garage sale, and you're trying to convince the neighbors to take every last piece of junk you got laying around off your hands. There's no impact in that.

I agree. I think they're feeling very burnt by the (not unreasonable) accusations they neglected their first party for a half decade. Hence the apparent sense they must show a million games at every event because 'we're doing things'. I don't think they should do what Sony did at that bungled E3 where they showed 4 games, but there MUST be a middle ground.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Feels like there have already been a bunch of price point polls, and most people are of the mindset that both will come in at 500 bucks.

Can't see the Series X coming in cheaper than PS5 myself, but I also don't think it'll make much of a difference, unless we're talking about a difference of like 100 bucks in either direction. If one is like 50 bucks more or less than the other...big whoop, everyone will just get what they have their mind set on, or in parents' case, what their kids have their mind set on. There's gotta be more separation than that, at least in my mind, for it to be a real factor.

And we already know that MS intends to have a much cheaper entry console on the market, for people who are really just looking for something on a budget, so.....just doesn't make sense to undercut PS5 imo. Matching it in price would be more than sufficient.