Finally bought all of the Mass Effect DLC, going to have to play through the entire trilogy again.
Finally bought all of the Mass Effect DLC, going to have to play through the entire trilogy again.
Even if that LinkedIn page was fake I hope that Double Fine would make a game the size of Brutal Legend again.
trunkswd said:
I wouldn't mind Brutal Legend 2. I have a feeling Jack Black would be all for doing a sequel. |
As long as they make it Action Adventure and ditch the RTS Elements.
Completed Pikuniku earlier.
Was positively surprised by this one. Short platformer with some physics puzzles and good humor. Characters look kinda weird at first but you'll love 'em.
Would recommend checking it out on Game Pass. The cave section at the beginning might be a little weird but once you get into the town things will get better.
It also has some seperate co-op levels.
Power of the Cloud
Absolutely insane looking.
Ryuu96 said: Wonder what is happening with Lockhart, will it be revealed in this upcoming Series X event? Will it get it's own reveal? Curious about Phil saying now it's all about the games, but they've yet to reveal Lockhart, Lol. |
In the CNBC interview I linked yesterday when talking about next gen launch he referred to it as a one console. Lockhart can still be a thing but i'd imagine plans are still up in the air.
Ryuu96 said: Jez Corden has heard Lockhart is discless. He also said it's in take home phase. |
tbf Wasn't the streaming box Xbox One roku system he reported on a few years ago in the testing/home phase? It's just weird how insiders were teased the announcement for April and now MS has already moved on to showing games. It could still come but I wouldn't be surprised if MS are still considering just launch just the Serix X.
Ryuu96 said: Wonder what is happening with Lockhart, will it be revealed in this upcoming Series X event? Will it get it's own reveal? Curious about Phil saying now it's all about the games, but they've yet to reveal Lockhart, Lol. |
Jez Corden says that Microsoft will not mention Lockhart until the time they would talk about pricing which means that it won't be there at May 7 event because I really don't expect MS to announce price there. I understand the logic here, but still not sure if it's a good idea to make people think that Series X is the only console and wait to announce Lockhart in the last minute. It just won't get the needed exposure for Lockhart and probably lots of people just won't know that it even exists. IMO, Lockhart should be a focus probably, because with 300$ price it would be the best selling console out of the two.
trunkswd said: Between a new Fable or new Perfect Dark? I am far more excited for a new Fable. There is a 100% chance I will buy the new Fable as long as it is an RPG. As for Perfect Dark I didn't care for either game in the series, so I'd have to be blown away to buy it. Than again I have Game Pass, so can play them both day one for "free." |
I am the opposite. - I will happily sleep with everyone on this forum who is over the age of 18 if a new Perfect Dark happens.
One of the reasons why I decided not to buy a Gamecube and bought an Original Xbox "back in the day" was because Microsoft bought Rare and I had hoped for a sequel in the franchise... Which didn't happen until the Xbox 360 release of Perfect Dark Zero years later anyway. But still.
Fable was and is a solid franchise, but it was over hyped with features/aspects that just never happened, it never stopped being a solid game... Just never a ground breaking, genre defining one like Halo, Perfect Dark, Gears of War or Forza was.
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