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I'm a Crash Bandicoot kid, one of the few games that my mother and I both played together. I don't think I've ever played Spyro

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This is dope for anyone that used to watch Halo during the MLG days, I'm guessing this and the premiere are happening before the finals. People are speculating it's H3 maps in infinite, which honestly would be awesome. avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

Yeah That's right @Ryuu96 Fiber Optic gaming in the dirt! 

I'm just teasing because he hates Sen and they are my favorite team, I'm also rooting for Optic as well as eUnited and G1

Might as well give my predictions for this tourney as I've done the last 2

1. Optic (they HAVE to win one lan event, but I think Sen will win worlds)

2. Sen

3. Cloud9

4. FaZe

5/6. Ascend/G1 

7/8. eUnited/Native Red

Sorry for the HCS spam everyone  

Crash easily. While the Spyro games are good, they lack any kind of challenge. They're more like exploration games with tons of collectibles while the enemies take a back seat and the platforming sections are very simplistic.

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Wait, so is P3P that's releasing next year just a remastered port or this supposed built from the ground up remake? Or both are being made?

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Ryuu96 said:
ice said:

This is dope for anyone that used to watch Halo during the MLG days, I'm guessing this and the premiere are happening before the finals. People are speculating it's H3 maps in infinite, which honestly would be awesome.

Would be awesome and also baffling, which is why I don't think it's maps, if it was then why wouldn't they have announced them during the livestream? Instead of saving them for HCS...They would have got a lot less backlash and it would make it EVEN MORE baffling to not call the November update "Season 3" and just marketing shooting themselves in the foot.

Well, it wouldn't be the first time marketing doing exactly that lol

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Ryuu96 said:

“Of course, any acquisition of this size will go through scrutiny, but we feel very, very confident that we’ll come out,” he said in an interview with Bloomberg Television.

"If this is about competition, let us have competition" :) That's my boy!

The DioField Chronicle from Square Enix releases today. I enjoyed the demo a lot more than I thought I would have. I can with certainty say it's something I haven't played before. Taking tactical RPG gameplay like Final Fantasy Tactics (although it's not tile-based) and mixing it with RTS movement and combat was an interesting choice that initially didn't grow on me. It just felt off since the battlefield is so insanely small and having movement and choices be made in real time felt sluggish and slow compared to the RTS I'm used to.

But once you got the hang of moving characters around the battlefield when their health is low or it looks a boss is about to do an AoE move, getting a feel of the cooldown system, and learning how to do combos with your party on enemies, it's reeeeeeeally satisfying! I may just end up picking up this game.

@Spade @shikamaru317 y'all thinking of giving this game a try or are y'all swearing off Square? lol

Last edited by G2ThaUNiT - on 22 September 2022

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

shikamaru317 said:
gtotheunit91 said:

Wait, so is P3P that's releasing next year just a remastered port or this supposed built from the ground up remake? Or both are being made?

P3P next year is just an uprezzed remaster, no other modifications afaik. Atlus has also been teasing for some time that they are considering full on remakes of their earlier Persona games, 1, 2, and 3. They have mentioned the possibility of remakes on their yearly player survey at least 2 years in a row now for instance, and we have seen previous reports that Persona 1 and 2 remakes were in development.

Hell, I may just wait for this remake to happen then! I've heard that there is no definitive version of Persona 3, and this remake could rectify that situation. Persona has definitely become Atlus's golden goose. 

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind