WoodenPints said:
I think that custom UI looks pretty terrible much like the PS5's 70-80% of the screen has nothing on it and you have to scroll upwards or sideways more to see stuff. The updated UI doesn't look too big of a change but has some decent QoL such as chopping the Games and apps box in half and now having the store there as well, Everything below the Home screen I have is custom groups for each genre of game and a Favorites tab for my most played/go-to games so I'd leave it like that and I presume from the screenshot the "Recently added to Gamepass" tab is one of his custom choosing. |
yah same those "concept UI" does not look good at all to me too. It reminds me of my Play Station 5 and I really don't like it.
Let's not try to make the Xbox dashboard like Play Station please.
I like the new Xbox home tho, It is nice to have one row for latest games/app and one rows for most common sections (like GamePass, Store, etc.); And I bet you can customize it.