MS needs to take full advantage of Cyberpunk and Halo Infinite for the XSX/XSS, they need to have normal bundles day one and special edition consoles for both and market the crap out of it.
MS needs to take full advantage of Cyberpunk and Halo Infinite for the XSX/XSS, they need to have normal bundles day one and special edition consoles for both and market the crap out of it.
ironmanDX said:
I tried about a week ago. They wouldn't let me even put a cent on it until the price was announced. I asked if I could just put $500 AUD down just to have my name on the list fully expecting it to be $699 or more... Nope. |
Which retailer? I am really surprised they didn't want your $500 in this environment!
starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS
EspadaGrim said: MS needs to take full advantage of Cyberpunk and Halo Infinite for the XSX/XSS, they need to have normal bundles day one and special edition consoles for both and market the crap out of it. |
Well we have a custom controller and a free next gen upgrade if you buy the current gen version. I don’t think Sony is adopting that. Maybe Xbox has the marketing rights which would be huge.
sales2099 said:
Well we have a custom controller and a free next gen upgrade if you buy the current gen version. I don’t think Sony is adopting that. Maybe Xbox has the marketing rights which would be huge. |
If you have to buy a PS5 version of the game to game to get next gen enhancements then that is another win for MS.
starcraft said:
Which retailer? I am really surprised they didn't want your $500 in this environment! |
EB, so GameStop to all the US folks in here.
Which given the troubles they've had, makes it all the more surprising!!
If MS and Mistwalker worked again I would like Lost Odyssey remake and then a Sequel.
EspadaGrim said: If MS and Mistwalker worked again I would like Lost Odyssey remake and then a Sequel. |
Doesn't Mistwalker make mobile games these days?
EspadaGrim said: If MS and Mistwalker worked again I would like Lost Odyssey remake and then a Sequel. |
Streets of Rage 4 on Gamepass is great infact smaller games that would launch at $20-30 dropping on Gamepass day one is one the great things about the service and for me personally is a bigger selling point than the AAA games releasing on it 6-12 months down the line even if the latter brings in more subs overall.
EspadaGrim said: If MS and Mistwalker worked again I would like Lost Odyssey remake and then a Sequel. |
Just beat the game 2 weeks ago from my back catalog. Amazing game that scratches that turn based JRPG itch.
A easy solution to get more JRPGs for Xbox Series X...remaster Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey. 4K 60 FPS for $40 bundle. Hell include it in Asian markets as a console bundle for that extra boost.
Edit: lol just noticed trunks said the exact same thing
Last edited by sales2099 - on 17 April 2020
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