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I mean, why would they have a 90 minute Extended Showcase 2 days later instead of the same day as the initial showcase if they didn't believe there was going to be at least some hype coming out of it?

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So apparently, the $110,000 to fully upgrade your character in Diablo Immortal may have been a conservative number. There's been updated info suggesting that it actually costs upwards of $225,000 with average luck and up to $500,000 with bad luck..........WTF?!?

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

gtotheunit91 said:

So apparently, the $110,000 to fully upgrade your character in Diablo Immortal may have been a conservative number. There's been updated info suggesting that it actually costs upwards of $225,000 with average luck and up to $500,000 with bad luck..........WTF?!?

Disgusting. One of my reasons I don't waste my time with mobile gaming (excluding XCloud). 

smroadkill15 said:
gtotheunit91 said:

So apparently, the $110,000 to fully upgrade your character in Diablo Immortal may have been a conservative number. There's been updated info suggesting that it actually costs upwards of $225,000 with average luck and up to $500,000 with bad luck..........WTF?!?

Disgusting. One of my reasons I don't waste my time with mobile gaming (excluding XCloud). 

Talk about P2W. Comparison of the loot you get when you pay up and when you don't pay.

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twintail said:
gtotheunit91 said:

I mean, why would they have a 90 minute Extended Showcase 2 days later instead of the same day as the initial showcase if they didn't believe there was going to be at least some hype coming out of it?

They didn't have the same day last year I believe.

It'll also be just way too long. Having it on separate days is a far better idea imo

True, but having 2 separate long showcases, even though we still don't know how long the main showcase will be for some reason, still leads me to believe that Xbox really has that much to show off and not have it be just a bunch of third party deals or throwing in a bunch of Game Pass fodder. 

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

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gtotheunit91 said:
twintail said:

They didn't have the same day last year I believe.

It'll also be just way too long. Having it on separate days is a far better idea imo

True, but having 2 separate long showcases, even though we still don't know how long the main showcase will be for some reason, still leads me to believe that Xbox really has that much to show off and not have it be just a bunch of third party deals or throwing in a bunch of Game Pass fodder. 

The only thing that really matters is the main showcase.  The longer one is for the hardcore that like dev interviews and stuff like that.  I believe you are over analyzing it.  MS is going to show whatever they have. hype is pretty much in the eye of the beholder, they could have great content but it could be a miss for you and still be disappointing.  SO in the end why even worry about it.

A June drop pod, eh? I honestly wasn't expecting drop pods till later in the year.

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I gotta say the samsung collab is pretty strong

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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shikamaru317 said:

Really glad Microsoft is countering the Sony demo program, and they are compensating devs for the effort of making a demo too, smart.

I have no doubt there will be arguments that Game Pass is making even less money from this developer friendly deal

There would for sure be a ton of demos available since there would now be further incentive for devs to make one.  

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

I REALLY hope whatever their game turns out to be will be on PC Game Pass! 

Also, hehe, the no phone required

A studio founded by nothing but former Blizzard devs that made some of the best RTS games ever!

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