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Finished Lost Judgment. Absolutely amazing game. Story was raw and tackle a very sensitive topic very well. Felt way more grounded and as a result a little less cinematic, but the grounded story really does make it more focused. I'm glad they added a great amount of side content, was definitely some of the best overall. Some of the classes were annoying, but others were great and I hope they bring they back in some capacity. Even using some of the old Yakuza minigames integrated into this game worked well. Stealth sections were shit though, my God I hated them. Forced investigations in a combat heavy area also broke up the pacing. Hoping this isn't the last of the Judgment series, if it is, what a way to go out. Pending game of the year for me (games that I played this year, not necessarily released this year) replacing Elden Ring.  

Yakuza has replaced Persona as my favorite gaming series. Beat every available game localized on Xbox and even a fair amount on PS when I could not wait for the next game. I only ever started playing this entire series a little over 2 years ago (February 2020). Super hyped for Yakuza 8 and whatever next this studio plans to do. 

Series History:

My Rankings:

0 > Lost Judgment > Judgment > Like a Dragon > 6 > 2 > 1 > 3 > 4 > 5">"><img src="

Around the Network
Ryuu96 said:

Grubb was saying that this year Microsoft have locked things down a lot tighter than previous years, saying that it's hard to get anything on what will be at the showcase but he also said he wouldn't leak it even if he did know.

Jez also recently said essentially the same thing that he knows nothing.

Wonder if Xbox learnt from Bethesda, Lol. Jez says he has absolutely zero sources at Bethesda.

Good, love that there aren't a hundred different "leaks" being posted. Lets hope it stays that way the next 3 weeks. 

NobleTeam360 said:
Ryuu96 said:

Grubb was saying that this year Microsoft have locked things down a lot tighter than previous years, saying that it's hard to get anything on what will be at the showcase but he also said he wouldn't leak it even if he did know.

Jez also recently said essentially the same thing that he knows nothing.

Wonder if Xbox learnt from Bethesda, Lol. Jez says he has absolutely zero sources at Bethesda.

Good, love that there aren't a hundred different "leaks" being posted. Lets hope it stays that way the next 3 weeks. 

Heard through the grapevine MS will announce a studio acquisition at the event. Could be multiple too even. I was told that it was subject to change though.">"><img src="

Machiavellian said:

I am going to go on record and say that I do not believe Japan is as important today as investing in all these new markets like China, Korea, India and a few other areas where I see content reaching a certain level. Why chase the white rabbit when you can be a force in the new development so when they start pumping out AAA quality content, you already locked in. If MS really want to sell in Japan, forget about trying to get Japanese dev studios instead partner with Disney and feature a bunch of Series X Disney themed console and it will sell like hot cakes.

But it is not just about Japan, the Xbox 360 was praised in its early years for bringing so much diverse content including + 20 Japanese exclusive games.  You have an avatar from one of the biggest fighter franchises that did amazingly well in the past. During the early Snes era many flocked to the sytem because of SFII. We have a ton of users that even post how they love certain Japanese franchises like the Yakuza games. And the biggest selling game in NA isn't COD but Elden Ring this year.

What is everyone's dream game from 1st and 3rd party this year, you would love to see this year?

1st: Lost Odyssey would be completely unrealistic, but would be the ultimate dream.
3rd: Yakuza 8">"><img src="

Around the Network
NobleTeam360 said:
Ryuu96 said:

Grubb was saying that this year Microsoft have locked things down a lot tighter than previous years, saying that it's hard to get anything on what will be at the showcase but he also said he wouldn't leak it even if he did know.

Jez also recently said essentially the same thing that he knows nothing.

Wonder if Xbox learnt from Bethesda, Lol. Jez says he has absolutely zero sources at Bethesda.

Good, love that there aren't a hundred different "leaks" being posted. Lets hope it stays that way the next 3 weeks. 

Unrelated, but damn was going to start that game as some of my gamepass fodder games once I'm done with my physical collection. You enjoying Her Story?">"><img src="

Spade said:

What is everyone's dream game from 1st and 3rd party this year, you would love to see this year?

1st: Lost Odyssey would be completely unrealistic, but would be the ultimate dream.
3rd: Yakuza 8

Lost Odsyssey Remake or sequel

Recore 2.

Quantum Break 2

Thats are my unrealistic espectations.

Spade said:

What is everyone's dream game from 1st and 3rd party this year, you would love to see this year?

1st: Lost Odyssey would be completely unrealistic, but would be the ultimate dream.
3rd: Yakuza 8

What an endless list lol probably for me though

1st: Either a Quake reboot or a new Banjo-Kazooie (I really went on both sides of the spectrum on those choices lol)
3rd: A Dino Crisis game whether remake or new title

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

konnichiwa said:
Machiavellian said:

I am going to go on record and say that I do not believe Japan is as important today as investing in all these new markets like China, Korea, India and a few other areas where I see content reaching a certain level. Why chase the white rabbit when you can be a force in the new development so when they start pumping out AAA quality content, you already locked in. If MS really want to sell in Japan, forget about trying to get Japanese dev studios instead partner with Disney and feature a bunch of Series X Disney themed console and it will sell like hot cakes.

But it is not just about Japan, the Xbox 360 was praised in its early years for bringing so much diverse content including + 20 Japanese exclusive games.  You have an avatar from one of the biggest fighter franchises that did amazingly well in the past. During the early Snes era many flocked to the sytem because of SFII. We have a ton of users that even post how they love certain Japanese franchises like the Yakuza games. And the biggest selling game in NA isn't COD but Elden Ring this year.

The 360 with all its diverse content barely sold at all in Japan.  Its not the content its the mentality of the place you are trying to sell. Building one studio isn't going to get you huge system sells in Japan.  Spending all your capital on chasing that white rabbit probably isn't going to do that either since it was tried and failed.  Instead understand the market and the purchase habits of Japanese consumers which would be a better investment.  I believe GP has a good chance once MS get their mobile strategy going because mobile rules in Japan.

Here is how I see the market and the competition.  Sony new service is more about combating MS GP but not in the way most believe.  Sony wants to take away MS ability to get niche Japanese games like Scarlet Nexus and others by giving those devs the same deal to be on Sony new PS+ sub.  Sony has a huge market advantage in this area and being a Japanese company they are going to snatch up all those opportunities.  MS trying to fight Sony in an area where they have the complete advantage is a waste of resources, instead they need to venture into the markets that are maturing and snatch up those games.  Become the main presence in those areas and when they start to pump out AAA quality content, you are then the go to system of choice.  Japan is way to mature in their direction and with 2 dominate OEMs in Sony and Nintendo to really make any real dent.  Yes, MS should keep strong relations with the big Dev studios and publishers as you want those games to continue to be made for your system but from now on, getting those niche games are going to be rough because Sony is going to make a real big effort to suppress any of those deals.  When you start to see day one releases of Japanese games on Sony PS+ system you will know that its was probably an opportunity MS lost because Sony is the biggest dog in the yard.

trunkswd said:

Anyone else want OG Xbox games that are BC to get Achievement support?

I'm personally torn on that thought. On the one hand, it would be super cool and gives incentive to replay these old games. But I wonder if it would take away any charm out of them? I'm a completionist on single player games and I've noticed at times that I'll be playing the game mainly to get the achievements than I am playing to just enjoy the game. Obviously that's not everyone's case but, I enjoyed OG Xbox games for the sake of enjoying them, minus Halo multiplayer.

Jet Set Radio Future is one of my all time favorite OG Xbox games (which is why it's my profile pic) and I can't picture having an achievement where I may have to do grind a rail for 2000km, or to do a very specific trick jump. So many achievements are insanely maddening to get and you have to really work at it. For many, it's a huge sigh of relief when they finally unlock a certain achievement, but for me, it gets really frustrating and the last thing I would want is to get frustrated with a game that I've loved for decades now. 

Not to mention how achievements would translate with that era of games wonky controls lol

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind