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I'd open with Starfield instead. It's known it will be there, and it leaves a surprise for the end. But I can see it going last too.">"><img src="

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Discussion Question: How important is this Xbox E3 in your opinion? On a 1-10 with a 10 being essential for success and a 1 meaning the show is unnecessary, how important is it to Xbox overall?

I'd say it's around a 7. They have proven they don't need first party games as it's selling out regardless. However, they need a solid roadmap for releases into the Fall, Holiday, and maybe Q1. At least a solid amount of first party releases this year.
Deathloop, Starfield, and a few smaller ones. Not holding out for Forza though. They need to show us that they are progressing with all of these projects as well.">"><img src="

Spade said:

Discussion Question: How important is this Xbox E3 in your opinion? On a 1-10 with a 10 being essential for success and a 1 meaning the show is unnecessary, how important is it to Xbox overall?

I'd say it's around a 7. They have proven they don't need first party games as it's selling out regardless. However, they need a solid roadmap for releases into the Fall, Holiday, and maybe Q1. At least a solid amount of first party releases this year.
Deathloop, Starfield, and a few smaller ones. Not holding out for Forza though. They need to show us that they are progressing with all of these projects as well.

I put this years showcase at a 9. Yes, many are buying Xbox's right now, but a big part of that is gamers buying into Xbox's promised future that they've been building up towards.

They definitely aren't buying into what's happening majority of this year lol. E3 2021 was a good step in the right direction, but this year's showcase needs to be the one that hammers that nail all the way in, or lifting up the curtain of everything they've been working towards to make everyone that has only recently gotten into the Xbox ecosystem or the ones that are skeptical that greatness will soon be here. 

Like, this is the showcase where Xbox can claim "we're not selling you on a promise anymore"

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Would rather MS close with Starfield and not Forza or some CGI Teaser trailer.

EspadaGrim said:

Would rather MS close with Starfield and not Forza or some CGI Teaser trailer.

I'll be mad if they close with BoringSport 8 lol. No offense to those who like it">"><img src="

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Ryuu96 said:

Going for Xbox stuff?

You know Xbox is down bad when they invite Cult. smh.">"><img src="

I think we all know that Starfield is going to open the show. It's going to be the showpiece that they want you to come away talking about, and they want you to see it even if you're someone who gets bored watching these events after like 20-30 minutes. Plus it'll really get the show trending on social media at the beginning, and then maybe some more people who weren't paying attention, or forgot, will tune in.

and ending on the bombshell that is goldeneye

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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Starfield will be somewhere in the middle. They opened with Starfield last year. They should open with Avowed if they have gameplay. End it with a new announcement like Compulsions new IP.

no thanks i can just troll on twitter

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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Instead of seeking to convince others, we can be open to changing our own minds, and seek out information that contradicts our own steadfast point of view. Maybe it’ll turn out that those who disagree with you actually have a solid grasp of the facts. There’s a slight possibility that, after all, you’re the one who’s wrong.