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I thought NPD wasn't coming out until tomorrow? Nothing from Mat Piscatella yet...I guess this was leaked somehow?

Switch: SW-3707-5131-3911
XBox: Kenjabish

Record setting match for Xbox and an extremely strong Q1. Shaping up to be a huge year for Xbox if they can keep the momentum up

Ryuu96 said:

Oops, I need to add another poll option for our PC brothers.

Thank you

I guess not enough people had phones?

Can't say I'm a huge fan of getting a port of a mobile game.....

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Voted for Jaywood.">"><img src="

gtotheunit91 said:

I guess not enough people had phones?

Can't say I'm a huge fan of getting a port of a mobile game.....

This is freaking amazing :) I would have played it no matter what on mobile (big Diablo fan) but now they are giving me the option to play it on PC! (and with a controller)... What not to love :D

Diablo 4 company wide internal testing started this week too! 

Imaginedvl said:
gtotheunit91 said:

I guess not enough people had phones?

Can't say I'm a huge fan of getting a port of a mobile game.....

This is freaking amazing :) I would have played it no matter what on mobile (big Diablo fan) but now they are giving me the option to play it on PC! (and with a controller)... What not to love :D

Diablo 4 company wide internal testing started this week too! 

For sure! It does give me incentive to actually give this game a try. I'm a huge Diablo fan as well and if it will have taken 3 and a half years to actually get this game released, they must have made a good time of a game in store! Especially since Wyatt Cheng kept stressing they wanted to make an authentic Diablo experience. 

I was reading the MMO features that are being added in Diablo Immortal and honestly, I think Blizzard should make a true Diablo MMORPG. World of Diablo

They've got the classes, progression system, and in Immortal, they even have a 48-player raid called Cycle of Strife. Doesn't have to be the exact same setup as WoW. They can continue the isometric viewpoint that's synonymous with Diablo but make it a full fledged MMORPG. Kind of like Lost Ark as an example.