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I bought the Tomb Raider collection that is in the spring sale for $20 because I never finished any of the new games. I'm playing through TR DE now and it really showcases how boring and scripted games became during that era. Practically every encounter involves scripted sequences and QTE. This is why I stopped playing Gears and Uncharted during this era, they got so boring. I am powering through this one because I know the sequels rely so much less on it and become much more open. I was planning on doing a 100% achievement play through but I guess that's impossible since there are MP ones.

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Spade said:

Loving GOTG so far. But holy shit, raccoon's a dick. Only about half way through.

I'm near the end and agree it's great.  I'm not much into the MCU but I like the 2 GOTG movies, and this game fits in with the movies very well.  Once I got over the initial shock of the characters not looking like the actors from the movies, I really got into it.  I even like some of the characters more in the game than in the movies.

As for Rocket, 

Don't worry, he comes around.

Switch: SW-3707-5131-3911
XBox: Kenjabish

Ryuu96 said:
Spade said:

Um, why is Windows tweeting this..

Get off their Twitter account.

You my daddy now, FU

Gotta believe bruh. It's happening, just not for Xbox.">"><img src="

Liking the look of both maps. The first one kinda reminds of a Halo 3 map, is it a re-imagining of something?

Ryuu96 said:
Angelus said:

Liking the look of both maps. The first one kinda reminds of a Halo 3 map, is it a re-imagining of something?

Some folks have definitely noted Haven vibes from Halo 4 in the first screenshot we shared back in March, but I think the biggest influence for Catalyst though was Epitaph from Halo 3. I really wanted to evoke that architectural style because it left a huge impression on me after all these years.

Right, that checks out. Couldn't remember the name of it.

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I'm looking forward to jumping back in for season 2. I do really love the gameplay of Infinite, I just really need more maps, and modes to keep me engaged more consistently. But it's definitely something I'm gonna keep coming back to on a regular basis.

I love it every time someone here posts something about MS sending people 5-10 bucks on their account just for the heck of it...cus as loyal Xbox customer since day 1, they ain't ever given me a cent lol

I always seem to receive these gift balances but I always purchase a DLC or game after getting them so that’s probably why. 

Ryuu96 said:
Angelus said:

I love it every time someone here posts something about MS sending people 5-10 bucks on their account just for the heck of it...cus as loyal Xbox customer since day 1, they ain't ever given me a cent lol

Loyalty gift cards, American exclusive baby

I've never received one either.

That would explain it lol. Bastards

shikamaru317 said:

Buying this now on Xbox. Heard the frame rate on Switch was terrible. Now bring the rest of those 3rd party deals over.">"><img src="