I want one big event. I don't care how long it is. Make it 5-10 hours for all I care, I'll watch it all probably. If people only want to see a specific studio, make the recording have links for after, those people can DEAL with it. I want all these games shown in a surprising order, I HATE knowing when and what is being shown, takes all the shock value out of the experience. I want Psychonauts 2.5d game, followed by Halo Wars 3, followed by Call of Duty Kart, followed by Diablo MMO, followed by Candycrush Metaverse VR, followed by Gamepass on all Tesla screens. I know some of these won't be possible until deals close, I don't care. I am hype and in a mood. Make it all happen! No pansy showcases, shook us to our bones, bruh!