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One thing I realized and I've not seen it mentioned is that Xbox now own the MLG brand with the Activision Blizzard acquisition so that gives them a very good esports platform so hopefully they continue to invest in it.

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Starcraft on xbox with mouse and keyboard support...


I think this sentiment from some Xbox fans that Phil is "too nice," is complete nonsense. Phil has proven to be an extremely shrewd operator. Is he out and out cut-throat? No. But he doesn't have to be.

Sony's market-cap dropped like a rock at just the news of Microsoft's intention to acquire Activision Blizzard. This deal still has to pass regulators. Do you think it would serve him well right now, to say "yea...once we own this, nobody's getting shit. Kick rocks Sony"? Of course not. Sony's stock would drop even further, before anything had even happened, and regulators would be able to say look what a negative impact this is ALREADY having on the competition. It's in his best interest right now to prop Sony up, make them, and everyone else, feel good about this deal, like nobody's getting screwed...and that's really all there is to it.

When the deal is done and dusted, we'll see what MS really wants to do, which I suspect will be pretty much the same things they wanted to do with Bethesda.

SegaHeart said:

I wanna play Spyro remaster on gamepass, I wonder when Activsion library will be added?

Most likely when the deal is finalized. Similar to what happened when the ZeniMax deal finalized. During the roundtable discussion, that's when they announced 20 Bethesda titles were dropping on Game Pass that day. 

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

gtotheunit91 said:
SegaHeart said:

I wanna play Spyro remaster on gamepass, I wonder when Activsion library will be added?

Most likely when the deal is finalized. Similar to what happened when the ZeniMax deal finalized. During the roundtable discussion, that's when they announced 20 Bethesda titles were dropping on Game Pass that day. 

I don't know, many Bethesda titles were added days after the Bethesda acquisition announcement so I expect the same here. The $3B Microsoft will owe Activision if the deal fall through might be in part to cover preemptively adding titles on Gamepass.   

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Ryuu96 said:

Saw that the Xbox/CoD marketing deal was for 5 years and ended in 2015 when Sony took it, so assuming that was 5 years and ended in 2020 then Sony renewed, it could mean they have marketing until 2025.

Another smart reason for the buyout, no more advertising and marketing exclusivity from Sony.">"><img src="

I kinda feel like Ryuu right now with playing all these damn Ubisoft games.

Just started Far Cry 3, first Far Cry I've played. Not too big on FPS games, so it's a little bit of an adjustment. Driving in first person is kind of annoying honestly. Barely out of the first region and doing side stuff. Trying to hunt animals to improve my storage. Do future Far Cry games have this mechanic? I can also tell this Classic edition is 30 FPS. After getting used to 60, going back to 30 is more difficult than I remember.

Any tips for Far Cry 3, or the future games as I will probably be buying the other ones soon as they are dirt cheap.">"><img src="

Classic version removed those stupid co op achievements too

Wish it got an FPs boost..">"><img src="

Yes dont play far cry repetitiveness galore like AC

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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Bought Asura's Wrath from the BC sale going on. I remember playing the demo a long time ago and thinking, this game is nuts (in a good way).