shikamaru317 said:
Ryuu96 said:
Eh, they responded fairly quickly to the playlist complaints and adding in new modes, it has only been out for almost 2 months and for a couple of weeks of that, they were on Holiday, it was a mistake to launch it before Christmas I think, BtB was fine on launch then went to shit around the time they went on Holiday so of course they couldn't fix it, they should have launched the game in January but taking that into account, I don't think they're being slow. Things have a priority to them, BtB being fixed should be a priority, which is why it's coming before the big mid-Feb update (which they also said will include more than cheating fixes, they're trying to get as much as possible into the Feb update). Progression speed is fine as it is right now but it does need a big revamp, of course that isn't coming 2 months after launch though, we knew that...Monetisation likely will be fixed when people actually stop spending money on it  Imo the balance doesn't really need to be a priority either, I think the game is pretty well balance overall with the exception of a few things but I can ignore them for now, like the Commando needing a buff, I have plenty of other good weapons to use instead. They also mention that the Roadmap is coming so that is likely when they will talk about new maps, they've literally just got back from Holiday break though and had to address the most vital thing, which is BtB being completely broken. Comparing to past titles isn't an exact comparison either, it's a lot harder and requires more time to develop games nowadays than the Reach days and even Reach launched with near half its maps being Forge maps and another chunk being literally ripped from the Campaign. We'll likely see new Halo Infinite maps on Season 2 launch. 343's 543 employees aren't all developers either, worth remembering that 343 handles absolutely everything to do with Halo, they're basically a multimedia studio, they're working on Halo Infinite, Spinoffs, Books, TV Shows, etc. Then a chunk of Infinite's team will be working on future Campaign releases and won't have anything to do with the fixes, then those support studios, everyone has those, in 343's case though, the likely assumption is that Certain Affinity is solely on Multiplayer map creation, Sperasoft is general assistance and Skybox are mainly on Forge, all these assist studios are working with dozens of other partners too so who knows how many exactly are on Infinite. |
They responded relatively quickly to those, but they pretty much had to as they were big glaring issues causing huge amounts of player drop-off. I think it's kind of an issue that they are just now back from Holiday. Why would a studio give almost it's entire workforce 3 weeks off when their game just released, especially since they had a gamebreaking issue with BTB that needed fixing, they couldn't even be bothered to temporarily server side remove the BTB challenges from the challenge randomization pool until BTB itself was fixed, instead forcing people to waste valuable challenge swaps to avoid BTB challenges (there is no way to get more challenge swaps without paying for them once you finish the season pass). They could have given their whole workforce a few days close to Christmas off and then divided them all up into 3 groups to decide which got which weeks off for their vacation instead of letting the whole studio off at once, but it felt like nearly every dev got 3 weeks in a row off except for the skeleton crew they left behind which tried and failed to fix the BTB issue. Obviously fixing BTB is a priority, but that's not something that should take the whole darn multiplayer team to fix, seems like something that the QA (Quality Assurance) team and a handful of programmers should be able to fix between them. There should be other devs with specializations in things like map design, cosmetic design, weapon design, vehicle design, and gameplay balance who are working on those areas at the same time as the BTB issue is being fixed. Why cram everything they are working on into a February patch when 343 said they specifically designed the game to allow server side changes for smaller things like balance? There are balance issues with weapons like the Ravager and Commando, vehicles like the banshee and chopper, motion tracker range issues, and lots more that could and should be fixed with server side updates or via the January hotfix patch, instead of waiting on the February update. This game is still experiencing big player bleedoff, they can't afford to keep putting things off till later. No new maps until Season 2 in May would be a colossal failure, I already see tons of people who are bored with the launch content and quitting now as a result. I myself have grown quite bored now that I have maxed the season 1 Battlepass and have no progression (aside from events) and no new maps, nothing but weekly challenge grind for the crappy weekly cosmetics they have done so far to keep me playing. They have lost like 4/5ths of their playerbase since launch on Steam at least (peak concurrent has dropped by nearly 20k just in the last 2 or so weeks, from about 62k to about 45k in about 2 weeks), I hate to think of how many more they will lose if they don't fix these underlying issues with progression, monetization, and balance, and add more maps soon. By February when the next big patch drops they might lose another 20k peak concurrent players or more on Steam at the rate they have been bleeding players. |