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Switch - 200K
PS4 - 160K
XBO - 90K

Just my guesses. Hopefully we get something this month.

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Last edited by p0isonparadise - on 16 August 2019

BOTW top 10 28 months after launch...what a crazy world. Spider-Man is doing super well as well

So Fire Emblem Three Houses crushed it with the best opening in series history, tripling the previous record holder's numbers.  It's already the second best selling game in the US in series history.

Three Houses only trails Awakening for the crown of "Best Selling Fire Emblem game in the U.S."
Assuming it hasn't taken the crown already at this point.

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some crazy sales figure for FE three house first month holy shit

Gonna do some updates

FE3H did that with only 6 days!!!!!!
This is how Intelligent System should handle the franchise.

Pocky Lover Boy! 

p0isonparadise said:
Switch was up YOY.

Switch sold 265k~ last year.

 "Spending declined across all in market Console platforms in July, while only Nintendo Switch has experienced sales gains year-to-date."

I really do not think that quote means that the Switch was up in this specific month.

Jranation said:
FE3H did that with only 6 days!!!!!!
This is how Intelligent System should handle the franchise.

Giving the reins of the franchise to Koei was a fantastic idea. The studio behind FE3H is quite underrated.

I never played the Fire Emblem games on the 3DS. Apparently they got a lot more popular since the GC/Wii games.