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Forums - General Discussion - Say Something About the Person Above You

CaptainExplosion said:
hellobion2 said:

Might be a power rangers fan. 

Should know I'm saddened by how Hasbro has treated Power Rangers. -_-

Hasbro should have treated power rangers with more respect.  But at least disney did not buy power rangers. 


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Understands that Hasbro can be rather cruel towards IPs that aren't Transformers or G.I. Joe.

Should know abput my pain regarding megaman X9 and capcom

Just a guy who doesn't want to be bored. Also

Will know after reading this that I too am frustrated with Capcom, but at least they gave they gave their Street Fighter and Mega Man action figure licenses to a great company.

While walking and twirling a stylish cane, capt explosion was singing that marvelous jim Morrison tune "light my fire" as the chorus was reaching its utmost point and he was singing his heart out, someone actually did light the wick and actually did blow up. It will be ok though, bc video game characters always come back shortly.

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Said CaptainExplosion will be shorter when he returns

Doesn't realize I can't get any shorter and that I'm ironically the tallest in my immediate family despite being the youngest.

Claims he is short, which he may be, but height is definitely relative. If I stand up straight and tall and think of ascending to the heavens really hard, I think I get to 5’7”. I’m still waiting for a more accurate result that drops me down to 5’6” but that hasn’t happened yet.

Adropovaskonich Vladimiristanusky once told super-etecoon about this awesome game idea that he had. In fact, it was one that broke all of the boundaries and was even better than the GTA that comes out 20 years from now. When you started reading this, why did you skip his name? Now i'm not going to give the rest of the story.

Last edited by shavenferret - on 28 July 2024

Know the deep lore of super-etecoon before he became a Dark Souls boss.