SpokenTruth said:
DrDoomz said:
1) What a completely irrelevant and biased point to bring up. One would think that you would applaud people who do not adhere to groupthink, people who are able to distinguish for themselves what to follow based on their own conscience (rather than do what others or a book would tell them to do), rather than call them hypocrites. And hypocrisy isn't exclusive to the religious as we all try and paint our own actions in the best light so we don't feel bad about ourselves, that is a common human trait.
2) Yeesh. I've always said that generalizations take us nowhere. But the fact that you have such a biased view of ppl (the left stand up for the marginalized, Christians are hypocrites) kinda shows your worryingly biased thought process. 3). Here's a fact: there are hypocrites and good people on both sides.
1). Actually, I agree with you. I prefer individualism. But that's not how Christianity works given that it is a religious group, no?. It's supposed to be all about following the Bible. So when they don't and yet use it against others, you're going to get called out on it.
2). You mean left isn't all about social justice these days?
3). But of course. Individually, hypocrites are found in all groups and walks of life. But when a group claims itself to be the right way, uses their 'way' to marginalize others, and ignores elements that reflect back upon themselves, it's a bad look. You can't call yourself the moral voice of the people and ignore (or even hide) your own immorality and not expect to be called a hypocrite.
1) .....
A bit prejudiced against Christians/the religious, aren't we? Actually, free thought is just as important to many religious people as it is to you or me. Believe it or not. There are always those that follow the scripture a little too much, but you can find that in just about any belief system be it religious or political. And just about any belief system wants those who believe in it to be non-critical of said belief: consider, for example, that there are many leftists that think it's ok to assault, intimidate or threaten ppl just for not agreeing with them.
2) You are talking about the positives in the belief system or the people within it? Because those are two different things. Beliefs when taken at their best, always sound nice. It's people who kinda mess it up. I notice that you like to view the left at its best light while attacking the religious based on the imperfections of those who practice it (and the extremes found within the belief system). Not saying they are statistically the same but that there are extremes on both sides.
3) Either beliefs can be seen as negative when looked at in the worse light. I can argue that Catholicism has helped a lot of ppl thru charities, orphanages, etc and that many have taken the teachings to heart and become really good people. I can also argue that there are many in the left that literally become freakin scumbag racists while lauding their belief as "the right way" (as you so aptly put it). The point here is that we all must look at individuals and not be prejudiced against a whole because you only become a hypocrite if you do that.